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No 3 Lovely Morning Thread.

  • 1224 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Well he we go again, if the thread was not so poplar, would not have to do it.

All are welcome Ellie  

  • LOL NO All Talk xx

  • Morning Morning, i slept the whole Night Threw, well i slept till six, was that shopping yesterday..

    Or the amount of times i opened my purse. worn out.

    Yes doing it again today, though not so much, roll on Friday lol.

    Hope the ones with trouble sleeping, did quiet well.  and lets hope we all have a good day.xx

  • Good morning Ellie, I'm pleased for you, that you slept well but don't overdo it today, take it easy. If you know what that means!!!

    Well, no sleep for me yet, I came downstairs for a cup of tea and was going to take it back to bed with me but decided just to have it in the living room and see if anyone was up yet. Now why am I not surprised that you are!!

    Right, off to try again with my hot water bottle in hand, it's freezing here! I'm out later, going with my daughter and granddaughters to the dentist at lunchtime. You have a great day. Happy shopping!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Sorry about the sleep, nothing worse, makes me grumpy, fill old and  ready for the knackers yard, as well say lol.

    Not so much today,, been cold here but not like you. I have ordered 24 hot water bottles, it is a joke, make a water bed, good for your sex life, so i was informed,. lol yes it was a male, all talk says it all,

    Speak Soon xxxx

  • Glad you got on well Moi, I hope the antibiotics do the job 

    M x 

  • Great that you slept all night Ellie, Hope your purse is less used today ;) 

    M x 

  • Good morning everyone, I had a decent sleep last night for a change lol.  Hope you all have a nice day ahead, it’s looking a bit miserable here weather wise at the moment. Happy advent all 


  • Morning Morton, will not use as much, out with sister, yesterday was daughter hence why.

    Hope you got a better sleep last night, how long you on the steroids for, do you know?

    I was always hungry on them, had to keep opening the fridge and nicking cheese and what ever was handy,

    You have anything planned for today as such.



  • The 1st, at least we are getting towards the shortest day, spring will be on its way, that is what i am looking forward to.

  • Hi Ellie, I am on these steroids for life, however long that is lol, slightly better sleep.  Also quite hungry on them but trying to stop myself munching!  Got some organising to do in the new house so that will keep my use for a good while! Have a great time with your sister Ellie 

    M x