Living with incurable lung cancer

  • 28 replies
  • 49 subscribers

So I was diagnosed May 21, and given 3-6 months and here I am 18 months later, still kicking the can down the road. I also don’t plan on going anywhere soon either. My primary is lung and with secondary being spinal and the spinal one is the bugger that plays me up the most. Currently pain free after being given Ketamine and being slowly weaned off my opioid medication by the hospice. Don’t get me wrong I am still on some opioids but definitely not as big a dosage as I was previously. My local hospice has been amazing in so many ways e.g. pain management and now medication management, and just goes to show that they are not all about places of dying but they are so much more about being places of living. The reason I am posting is that in the last 18 months my only problem is that I don’t seem to get on with my oncologist who seems to be all about closing down routes of treatment etc and not about living. I am 56 and my best life is still out there and I still want to live it, and feel that I don’t need his approval to do that. Every appointment I push, and I will not stop pushing to make sure that I get every treatment or trial available that will keep me curable. I think this is only the right thing to do. Any ideas or advice greatly appreciated and many thanks.

  • Hi Paul,

    Welcome to the group.

    I have similar to you. I was diagnosed back in the summer.

    Stage 4 incurable but treatable nsclc with mets to the bones. Luckily not load bearing bones.

    I'm also pain free at the moment even though i had horrendous pain at the beginning and cross fingers it remains so.

    I'm also a similar age, so get where you're coming from. I don't want them to give up on me too soon either!  I don't think any of us do, regardless of age.  My Oncologist is very nice and I think has my best interests at heart.

    But I'll be watching this thread wirh interest as I will eventually get to a stage where there will be no more treatments snd it would be good to know how to handle it. X

  • Can I ask whether people call their Oncologists by their first name? Or is it always Dr (surname) ???

    I'm never sure how to address my Oncologist.

  • Hi Harebelle, don't know about any body else but I call my oncologist by his first name.

  • Hi

    i really appreciate your reply, as I do everyone’s on here, it seems I have found the right group for me. 
    I thought mine was sciatica for several months until a different GP sent me for an MRI scan and wham that was it, felt like the world had dropped out of everything. I gave up smoking years ago so that was the deal broken. I was fit and healthy so again that was the deal broken. I am starting radiotherapy on the 1st on the actual tumour so hopefully that should help tackle it and improve my breathing and ability to swallow. I also know I have down days as well as up days, I guess I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t. I am definitely on an up at the the moment which is lovely x I really don’t plan on going anywhere for awhile so thanks to the group.

  • Hi Harebelle, I call all of my doctors by their first name - as they do me. If they ever asked me to address them in any other way, I'd say OK, I'm Ms X!  Rainie x

  • Hi Paul,

    Welcome to the group, I'm pleased you have found your tribe. It's not a group any of us wants to be in but you'll find a bit of fun and some good characters here.

    I can understand you wanting to change oncologist but also appreciate the frying pan and fire situation. You do what is best for you. My oncologist 'has his own ideas' as other professionals have told me. I am currently well with no active cancer seen on CT. At my apt my husband queried with him re my incurable/stage 4 status and he replied that ' well, that is just a snapshot in time'.  ?eh?  

    Good luck with your treatment Paul, us spring chickens ( I'm 53) are not going down without a fight.

    A x

  • First name with both my oncologists.  The nurse practitioner called him Dr S once and I was like "who?! Oh you mean Mark!". Grinning

  • That's good to know.  I think I might double check fwith them irst though.