It's a disgrace

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Hi everyone, my mother in law is 98 years old and at 19.10 last night the doctor rang for an ambulance because she's trying to be sick (not intentionally I must add) but because she eats very little there's nothing to bring up and her complexion is yellow. She lives about 300 yards away from us in a very rural area. Mrs Tvman is with her and it's now 1.55am and still no sign of the ambulance. My brother in law has phoned to ask why it's so long, only to be told that they don't have any idea when the ambulance will arrive.

It's a disgrace.

Tvman xx 

  • Oh my goodness Tvman that is such a shame and such a worry for you all! I hope the doctor gave her something to stop her retching before he left, it is worse than actually being sick in my opinion. If she is yellow, does she have jaundice do you think. Have you text Mrs T to find out what is happening? I take it the nearest hospital is quite a distance away too?

    The problem is, once she gets to hospital, you just wonder how long it will take for her to be seen and assessed!

    Please keep me posted. Could you maybe phone the Out of Hours service and let them know what's happening? They could send a doctor to her house just to make sure she is comfortable. If it was my parent, I would insist on a doctor doing a home visit or get him to sort out the ambulance. Mrs T and yourself must be exhausted!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi, I hope you are asleep and Mrs T also and her mother is comfortable now in hospital being well taken care of.

    I can't imagine why the ambulance took so long to get to her, especially when it was called in by a doctor. These things seem to be happening more and more these days and no one takes responsibility!

    I'm off to read my book but will check in with you later in the morning!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Good morning Tvman.

    I hope you have managed to resolve your MIL issues and you and Mrs T managed to get some rest. When you get a chance please update on MIL.



  • Hi Annette, Mrs Tvman came home at 1.30am, her brother said that he would be fine on his own, there was no point in her staying on as she has to go to work. At 6.05am he sent a text to her to say that the ambulance STILL HADN'T ARRIVED! 

    At 7.35am he texted to say that the ambulance had been and gone. Her vitals were fine and they gave her an injection for the sickness. They also said that she has a urinary infection and he has to get her antibiotics later from the doctor.

    Still a disgrace but she is hopefully living to fight another day. Maybe she'll reach 100 yet, three of her sisters did. Not counting chickens but she'll get a letter from the King. Here's an interesting anecdote. As we live in Northern Ireland, although we see ourselves as British and not Irish (politics, history and religion), we have the option of 2 passports and because the Irish government see us as belonging to them, anyone living to the age of 100 can have a card and letter from the British monarch and the same from the Irish president! Oh, there's a slight difference, the monetary award from the Irish president is almost double the amount than from the British monarch. Also, from the age of 60 we have free travel in Northern Ireland but we have to wait until we're 65 for free travel in the Republic of Ireland.

    It has been a long night.

    Love to everyone

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi, Poor Mrs T, she will be tired all day after her long night!

    I am relieved it is nothing more serious, your mil sounds like one strong lady. I hope she is comfortable now. Thanks for the update!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Good to hear it is finally resolved and your mother in law had some help.

    looks like they are just treating the symptoms it would be good to ask for a blood test and get her liver function tested etc. 

    i hope she gets her card from the King xxx


  • Have you complained to PALS, ?

  • Hi Tony, if it had been my mother I'd certainly complain but it's not my direct family so I can't tread on their toes. My wife and my BIL aren't the complaining type, my SIL is but my hands are tied. Shame.

    Although I think if she had died, which was at the back of our minds, then it may have been a different case.

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • What an awful night, I hope that the injection and the antibiotics help.

    Best wishes 


  • Thanks Sarah, she was much better after that. The ambulance person said her heart was fine after studying the heart tracing. She's going to have bloods taken by the district nurse, probably today.

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.