Another visit to hospital

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  • 52 subscribers

Good evening everyone 

i don’t post very often but tonight I’m feeling a bit low. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been struggling with a stiff neck and the headache, I’ve been going over the paper work bumf they give you about your treatment meds and discovered that my issues could be side affects of my immunotherapy meds, Atezolizumba and Bevacizumab and these side affects are uncommon and can be serious. So following my specialist nurse instructions I rang the emergency numbers yesterday only to be told they could bring me in because they had no beds. Firstly I didn’t want to come into hospital taking up a bed all I wanted was for a doctor check me over and see if I have a problem or if they could prescribe something to help with the stiff neck and headache. 

I went for my eye test this morning all was fine on my way home the hospital emergency unit I spoke to yesterday rang me, they asked if I still have an issue, I said yes, so she informed me to pack a bag and make my way in, I tried to explain I just wanted someone to check me but was cut short and told just to make my way in as the symptom was describing was serious and I need to be seen right away. I’m confused, it didn’t seem the urgent yesterday when they had no beds but today I’m serious. Anyway Bern here since 11.30 today just had bloods taken and obs done and nothing else’s neck is still stiff and I have a headache.

so now I board and fed up, I’m stuck in a hospital ward all on my own with no other patients and no one to talk to, I’d swear but there’s no one here to hear me, and I don’t swear, that’s almost funny. Anyone got any cheer me up chat about their busy fascinating day please



  • That my job one this site, big smiles all around 

  • Hi Donna, Let's hope you are sleeping in your own bed by the weekend.

    I had an MRI and a CT scan every three months for the first three and a half years, so I'm used to it. When having an MRI you can take in a couple of CD's and they will play them for you so it helps with the noise. In fact they DO sort of tie me down! I have a metal plate in my spine, metal pin in my arm and metal in my knee so they put on what looks like a suit of armour on top of me to hold me down while in the scanner. I'm used to it now!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Good afternoon everyone. 

    All the results from the CT Scan and the MRI are in, the CT scan shows the pain is being caused by the bone mets, they have increased the pain meds and I have to be careful about carrying and lifting. The MRI has revealed there is no spread to the brain so for that I’m grateful. 
    I must admit I was worried the cancer had spread, my diagnosis was lung cancer with bone mets, my consultant has increased my pain meds she said I take very little in the way of pain meds given my diagnosis which lung cancer with secondary bone mets she pointed out I only take 10 mg longtec (oxycodone) twice a day and that is very low, so I’m grateful there is no spread and it’s a case of managing the pain. 

    I am back at home with my lovely dogs having fun now, hope you all have a lovely evening, thanks for keeping me company over the last few days and to ills for making me laugh 



  • Just the best news. It was massively stressful for you but being home will get you settled.

  • Pleased you're back home and hope that the worries have now eased. Not knowing is the worst. Time for some treats Donna. Rainie x

  • That must be such a relief for you Donna. Glad you're home now with the comfort of your lovely dogs.xx

  • Hi Donna, glad to see you home again, you made my day, just keep on smiling, all the best Ulls xxx 

  • Hi Donna so pleased for you being home with your lovely dogs. Know you can relax and sleep in your own bed, bliss.  Good  night xx


  • Terrific news Donna and great you made it home before the weekend!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Good to be home and to know where you are now xxx
