Is Palliative Chemo weaker than 'regular' chemo?

  • 16 replies
  • 48 subscribers

I'm having palliative chemo and I've often wondered, in what way does it differ from chemo that is used with a curative  view in mind?

When I go for my sessions there are some people who are completely  bald and others who still have all their hair.

I've often wondered , are the baldies' the lucky ones -  because they're getting stronger doses? They're aiming to cure them.

Or is that not how it works?

I've tried googling,  but it doesn't throw up any answers 

Anybody have any idea what's what?

Thanks xx

  • I think you are spot on how you have described this question if I had a pound every time I was told you are looking well I would be very rich and I think this happens to a lot of people 

  • Sorry to burst your bubble Harebellle but I am currently post palliative chemotherapy and I look blxxdy awful. I have a bald head, no eyebrows or eyelashes, my face is dry and sallow looking. I am pale as I am anemic and get breathless doing the slightest thing. I look like the fella in the bed that was poisoned by the Russians a few years back.

    There isn't a sliding scale in the NHS of who is worthy of treatment and who to forget about.

  • Hi sistermoon, It sounds like you're having a rough time of it. I was feeling awful like you after the first round of chemo and ended up spending 10 days in hospital. My second dose was minus the 5FU but I still felt awful. There was a mutual agreement with the oncologist that I stop the chemo. I was going to be offered immunotherapy, but the trial was pulled before I'd finished the screening process. I was then offered chemo again as a last resort which I couldn't understand why I was given this option considering he'd stopped it and I forgot to question this when I saw him on Thursday.  I'm quite prepared to take my chances rather than feel like s..t all the time particularly as it's not curative treatment. I'm happy to say I'm feeling a lot better now, but the breathlessness is permanent, and I've slowed down a lot.

    I really hope you start to feel a bit better soon and the treatment has worked for you. 

    Big hugs

  • Hope you feel better soon Sistermoon xxx

  • Hi little-fi,

    Thanks for your reply, pleased you're feeling better apart from breathlessness. I'm feeling a bit better than I was thanks, it's just it's not great looking in a mirror and won't be for a while yet I think. But....hopefully the chemo has been worth it. I'll let you know how I get on after CT.

    A x