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Lovely morning 2076840

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  • 54 subscribers

Here by special request, the latest in the Lovely Morning series.

  • I don't understand why I would have a bad conscience, no need to be envious about the 1 day of the week, I don't have much to do, my wife doesn't like me in the kitchen unless she needs help, she reckons I mess up the contents of the cupboards, so if she goes out she makes my food in advance and leaves it in the fridge.

    The kitchen is her domain everything in place, I come in handy for opening can's bottles ect, handling raw meat, when invited to do so.

    The rest of the house is upto me to do any jobs, she has OCD and there is usually quite a few task's to do, not keen on me sitting down for to long.

  • So who did you dream about, me, Ulls or the man by the brussels sprouts?

    Don't say all three, that would not be an appropriate reply on here.!

  • I recognise some of those similarities between thee and me. I can do anything apart from that which I can't.

    I never know what that is until I've done it and been told off.

  • I don't think it is Lady like to handle a man by the Brussels sprouts, especially when you don't know him.

  • If you're right you're wrong, and if you're wrong your wrong, sometimes I'm given a choice of 3 meal's for dinner, it doesn't matter which I choose it's always the wrong one, good job I don't mind solong as it's meat free.

  • It was buy one get one free, so that makes two, so will not comment in case i might upset some one

  • i have never claimed to be a lady, but like to inspect goods before you try or buy

  • Morning, yes another day, and we are here to see it x

  • That one rings a bell, Tom always said what ever you want dear, Like you i would want to know why he did not want the other dinner, so just agreed with me lol.

    You a Veggie then Ulls/

  • Here's a thought for you, on the group we don't know eachother and most members don't post photos of themselves, so we have to form our own impression of everyone else's, imagination rules, what we look like, our behaviour ect, I just wonder how Im envisaged by you all.

    So do you fancy trying to discribe me, no offense will be taken