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Lovely morning 2076840

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Here by special request, the latest in the Lovely Morning series.

  • Thought you was reading what sort of books do you read, and do not say one with words in please

  • Yes they defiantly have words in some are big ones, SiFi, Crime, Fantasy, most stuff really, I make sure I read at least the first 100 pages, if I like it I finish it, if not dispose of it. I treat books the same as films and tv for amusement only, I got enough reality in my own life don't need any more.

    Came in as the sun has disappeared and the wind has increased and its cold, so on my family history site.

  • ,Very interesting selection,i was just wondering, i  have reality i my life though some times wish it was fantasy,

    Just finished two daily crosswords, Quiet a few people doing family history, my son is doing ours, 

  • I like all types of puzzle's, I have a few different books on the go, I get board doing the same type over and over, family history is just one big puzzle.

    My girls are back from shopping and daughter has gone home, Wife straight on with making dinner it will be around 20 minutes, she will tell the alexia in the kitchen to let me know.

  • Not tried that with my alexia, lol  My other son is doing  war history, my uncle was in the sas, and records after a certain time, can be seen,, so we are finding out, what operations he was on. Enjoys your dinner x

  • Well i debated whether to say here, what i picked up at Tesco's today, and it was not on the shelve.

    I got asked to go for a coffee, by a man, no he did not have a white stick, before, some one asks,

    I was standing next to him, on the veg section, and he dropped something, and because i am kind, considerate , i automictically  bent down to pick up, mind you he was fitter than me,

    He thanked me, then said would you like to go for a coffee, well, i S,,t myself, every excuse i could think of starting coming out of my mouth.

    When i found my sister and told her, she said so why did you not go

    So in future if any one drops something, i will not be picking it up.

    I can laugh now, though i did not at the time.

    Ellie x

  • So you still have it Ellie, fancy a coffee.

  • Of course Ellie still has it Ulls.

    Want a coffee Ellie, I can offer you a bigger one than Ulls.

  • Oooooo Ellie, you've still got that pull. Take it as a complement, . Have to keep an eye on you in the supermarket, driving the men mad XX


  • I was like a young teenager, could not believe it, then sister telling me i should have, if i had she would said, you should not have done that,

    I could not think of excuses quick enough, though he did smell lovely, should have asked him what he aftershave was.

    Never mind, i only wanted some veg lol/

    Ellie x