What are you coming back as?

  • 150 replies
  • 54 subscribers

Now I dont believe in reincarnation or karma, but on a sleepless night in the heat I started to think aout what I would like to come back as if I had any choice. Its a while since we had a new thread to add our thoughts to. To be truthful at the moment I feel like a brown shrivelled husk due to the relentless heat, Anyway after contemplating lots of beautiful creatures, I decided I would really like to come back as a huge"mother " tree in some far distant forest, where chainsaws  are forbidden. A tree growing for hundreds of years, connecting to all the other trees of the forest through the rhizomes of fungi which connect them all, pass on messages, threats, support etc. In fact if I could be an Ent ( as in Lord of the R ings,then that would be even better, then I could squash to destructive machinery of man as soon as it was heard) . The whole new science of trees, fungi, connections and the wood wide web is endlessly fascinating - we know so little and yet are learning so much ( well some people are, others like far too many politicians and public are oblivious to our interconnectedness to the rest of nature) If you are interested, I highly reccomnet Merlin Sheldrake's " Entangled life".

I never gave a thought to coming back as a human

What do you want to come back as?

  • You have got yourself into a pickle haven't you? I was wondering where my organic tomato food had gone. What did you think it was? Sarsparilla? And I told you to go easy on that tequilla punch didn't I?   Rainie x

  • I got a notification of AA's post and all it said was "deleted"! Now you've got me wondering what in heavens name you wrote! Naughty step for you again is it! HaHaHa!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette and Rainie, well you know what AAs like, he can let his imagination carry away his common sense a times, he's always being moderated, per happs living out in the sticks without neighbor's is the cause.

    That link I put on about the news reader was moderated the tec people thought it was spam, had to ask twice before it was put back, the community staff helped by explaining the post to the tec people, still all good now, so be careful who knows what lurks beneath these post messages. Electronic JAWS 

  • I'll come back as a majestic Tiger, I love all large cats but a tiger is the best xx

  • Hi Moi, if I come back as a cat it will have to be large and black, cos that's what is on my T-Shirts.

  • I live out in the sticks with no neighbour and I'm normal-ish Joy

    Love life and family.
  • Ulls the sleek black panther ! Lol xx

  • Hi tvman you certainly come across as normal  ish, but AA ???  2 Lovely man out in the sticks xx


  • Yes but your Irish, say no more, my maternal g/g/father was as well

  • Hi all

    i hope you don’t mind me joking this discussion, I was thinking I might like to come back as a wombat, free to roam at will, then I continued to read the thread and got confused about the subject, I’m sat here now trying to un confuse myself, can someone please enlighten me as to what this thread is about just so I don’t think I’ve gone mad Joy 

    have a great day everyone