DS1500 / Blue Badge / Benefits

  • 11 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Ok finally found something I’m really struggling with

The tumour leaning on my spinal column is making walking progressively more difficult. Steroids are helping and everything is crossed that the new meds will shrink the tumour just enough to get sufficient function back that I will still be able to walk. After much angst from my lovely wife I have decided that maybe a blue badge might be a good replacement for my life long approach of park further back so those in need can park closer.

I go online to apply under the terminal illness route and find if I haven’t done a DS1500 to claim benefits and aren’t currently in receipt of benefits it could harm my claim to be entitled to a blue badge.

much swearing gnashing of teething  and general grumpiness ensued

All of my life I have lived by the mantra of “ pay what you owe, only take what you need”  there have been times when we could have taken extra benefits but we chose not to as we could live on what we had and felt it was wrong to take just because we were “entitled” to it. We have been lucky enough that I have had good jobs and then we ran our own successful business for a few before closing it down when I was declared terminal so I could have a retirement.

Now I find that I am “entitled” to benefits that financially we could survive without , but not claiming them could impact my ability to claim a blue badge that I need and it really upsets me to have to claim something I don’t need, I don’t want to take money from a pot that others have more need of. 

To me it just feels so wrong to take a benefit just because I am “entitled “ to it when I don’t actually need it.

However a blue badge at the moment would really help. If only to reduce the amount of earache I’m getting from her indoors lol

  • Richard  I can understand your frustration. You really do need this blue badge so you must claim the benefits. A simple solution to the problem….make a monthly donation with the benefits to a needy charity. That way you get your badge, and a charity benefits too. Just a thought xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Good call, I have applied for the badge without the benefits, if they push back then I’ll take the benefits and macmillan will be getting monthly donation


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Richard - there is an excellent website called Benefits & Work, which were a great help to me. I recommend. Rainie x

  • Hi Richard,

    It is wrong that the blue badge and "passporting" benefits are linked in this way. I was going to suggest the same as Chellesimo - if you do need to claim, PIP or whatever, then a donation to a charity is the right thing to do if you dont actually need the extra. I donate my winter fuel allowance to the foodbank because like you I dont need the extra help. I do know lots of people though don't claim what they are entitled to and need, but don't claim out of shame and embarrasment.

    Good luck with the new meds and lets hope they work and get you mobile again.

  • Hi Richard, This must depend on where you live. My friend needed a Blue Badge but that was all. I told her to ask our GP as that's how I got mine. In Scotland your GP can fill out a Form and then it is passed to the Local Council's Social Work Department who issue your Blue Badge. Simple!   I did eventually came DLA now called PIP so that I could get an automatic car through the mobility scheme as I could no longer use my left leg for the gears. The payment is taken off PIP, the remainder we filled out direct debits, one for McMillan and one for Marie Curie and one for Cancer Research U.K. They are all payed monthly. 
    so as you say, we take what we need and pass on what we don't to other good causes! We are very fortunate to be in a position to do this as I know lots of others cannot afford to do this! I hope you get something sorted out that suits you!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember

    Hi Richard, I hope you are doing super well today Heart️ I can kind of understand how you feel with this in a way. I don't like the idea of claiming either as I feel lots of others are more entitled. But I spoke to Macmillan and my cancer nurse and they both said the same thing, you are entitled and you need to put yourself first. And I agree with that. I know you're against it but you need to put yourself first Richard. You said above that you have turned down claiming in the past, well now it looks like it's your turn to accept it. And you'll get this blue badge which you really do need. 

    You are entitled to this and imo you do deserve it ^-^

    Sending you love and hugs,

    Jess xx

  • Hi Richard, it is really frustrating when getting something you need is dependent upon claiming something that you don't need. But the suggestions of paying it forwards sound like a good plan. So I am really glad you mentioned the issue.

    Best wishes 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Richard. I agree with everyone else on here, and I feel the same. I am about to start getting PIP and feel a bit greedy tbh. But I always donate to all the charities I use, and worked in a food bank for a year, without pay, so that helped me feel less guilty. But as others say, it’s your turn now, and you need your badge. 
    Yioi can always donate some, as suggested, you sound a very decent person, and it’s nothing to feel bad about. Plus you’ll get more peace indoors, that has to be worth  it Joy 
    Good luck. 
    Jane xx 

  • Hi Richard I got my blue badge through my local Maggies center they were excellent as I too have walking probs etc 

  • Thanks all for the responses and ideas. I have applied without ds1500 etc and will see what happens, laughable government processes show that fast track for people with less than 12 months can take up to 3 months to issue a badge. Typical really 


    be safe, be nice, be you