Mood swings.

  • 12 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi all, last night started to get angry for no reason ? This morning started OK,  BUT within a couple of hours I could literally scream with anger !!!!!!. My husband recons I need a good walk round the park to walk off my mood. You can imagine my reply, then cried my leg off. Think I need chocolate, shower and yes go the park, I may walk 10 steps away from my man X

  • FormerMember

    Anger is my middle name, it’s normal. I even slam doors, like a stroppy teenager. 
    I get angry, then cry, then tell myself off, and carry on. It’s all normal I’m sure. Even my mum has started swearing! 
    Treat yourself to some chocolate and a little walk if you fancy it.,

    Big hug xx

  • Thanks Jane, usually I'm  quit positive  and just get on with things then wam our of the blue I take off Blue heart 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Moi2

    I’m the same most of the time, keep going, but sometimes it all gets a bit overwhelming and anger decides to poke it’s nose in !

    I hope you are feeling calmer today. 
    Im trying to find some volunteering work as I’m getting fed up, and need an outlet. 


  • It's not your faults Jane and Moi, it's the cancers fault. You are just doing what you can under the circumstances. Things will improve, you know that.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ted

    Thank you Ted. Do you think it will, improve? I hope so 

  • Thanks Ted and Jane, it just takes me by surprise. By the way not going the park its pouring down, so will hit the exercise bicycle for a bit  XX

  • Of course it will. Eventually the strain will wear you out, you will settle down and your mind will become clearer.

    I was just like both of you, howling at the moon, really upset and distressed. 

    I am years past my sell by date and see things differentl now, as will you. I still get a bit of a turn now and again, show me someone on here who doesn't. With so many people here thinking of you both how can you not improve.? Xxxxx

  • Are you going to hit the exercise bike with a hammer, or your fist, just a thought.

  • Oh Elle you are a tonic, putting a smile on my face, Thank you. I think I kicked it haha the bike not the bucket X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ted

    Thank you. I’m already worn out, so hopefully I’m closer to it Joy