My poor wee flowers

  • 55 replies
  • 48 subscribers

We had extremely warm weather 2 weeks ago so I planted out some bedding plants, lovely primroses. Yesterday it snowed all day, no joke, all day with flakes the size of 50p coins in the morning.  Look at them today...I feel pretty guilty for planting them out too soon.

Bloomin' Scottish weather and false spring!

  • Now that sounds like a plan. What say you Ruth?   I could do with another bottle of Metaxa.  Rainie x

  • They can do stuff now that they couldn't do a few months ago. That prognosis nonsense is an educated guess. They prefer to say you havnt got long to avoid disappointment!

    Please take as much of the P as you can. I have had it taken out of me by experts and nearly had to call the Samaritans on occasions so you will only be felt as a light tickle!

    Good luck.

  • Nice one Ted, when someone tries to take the P out of me, but they mean it in a bad way, I reply that's ok I've had the P taken by alsorts of people, some of whom are intelligent, normally shuts down theInnocentir nasty mouth, all present company are an exception Innocent.all the best Ulls 

  • My son planted his potato chitsomethings then came to stay with us and the weather decided to be frosty, so now he thinks his tatties are dead. I think potatoes are available at the greengrocers, but we have one and he doesn't 


  • Yes lovely 

    I love metaxa as well xx
