My poor wee flowers

  • 55 replies
  • 48 subscribers

We had extremely warm weather 2 weeks ago so I planted out some bedding plants, lovely primroses. Yesterday it snowed all day, no joke, all day with flakes the size of 50p coins in the morning.  Look at them today...I feel pretty guilty for planting them out too soon.

Bloomin' Scottish weather and false spring!

  • Entirely down to me, I am not just being polite. It has really worried me. I nearly fell on my sword to make amends.

    I think you seemed so open and like an old friend that my brain failed to work and I took liberties as we say here.. It is common with me, anyone will testify.. Please stay, the people on here are the nicest in the world, you will fit in just right. Xxx

  • Hi ,

    As others have said, welcome. This group has its longstanding members and of course new people joining all the time. Us oldtimers may sometimes forget that our comments are not necessarily immediately obvious as humour to someone who has not been around on these threads for long. As a fellow traveller with , we often trade a bit of banter and we understand it is just that. Please dont reign yourself in, say what you want, when you want to and you will have a receptive and accepting audience.


  • I’m on the South coast of England, on a good day I can see the Isle of Wight across the water. Xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Sounds great. In the last weeks the entire region here was covered with yellow Saharan dust. Some claim that it can be seen as fertilizer but in general it was just awful, no clear air. 

    Lucky you to have such great sights.

  • Sounds lovely! I miss living on the coast.


  • Hi Christeeniee, so you are a country bumpkin now, I'm quite lucky, living in a suburbs with a choice of 3 beaches only 7 miles away, or a 15 mile drive to some beautiful country side, just a northern towny.

    All the best Ulls Innocent

  • I don't want you lot to become anxious over your locations.

    You can always eat hummus with a knife and fork and pretend you live in the home counties.

    All civilising advice given out for free.

  • As a simple northern lad, who lived in London for several years, please advise me what is hummas, perhaps a southern joke Clownall the best Ulls 

  • I don't know to be sure but Keir Starmer and friends would eat it.

    Actually I think OBS would probably eat it too.I

    I am going to show myself up but I believe you would eat it if you were 'woke'

    Do you know that feeling when you wish you hadn't started something off?

    I've got that feeling now.

    I'm sorry you are northern it must be so difficult.

  • "Woke and proud here". Also northern-ish . Sad to disappoint - don't like hummus. You ,however, must be getting used to eating humble pie.
