One to get thinking caps on for

  • 26 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Well over the weekend, have a real hard think, about  of all the inventions that have occurred over time, what would be the one, you wish you had invented.

Just a bit curious, i am still thinking on it.

Have a nice week end.

Ellie x

  • The longer you spend composing a reply, the more likely it is to disappear . Produce something half sensible and send it. Apologise afterwards!

  • I have been thinking about this, and didn’t come up with anything that I wish I had invented. Lots of things I think we were better without, the kids these days spending hours in front of tv screens playing games for one, when I was young I would be out from first thing in the morning with my mum telling me to come home before it gets dark. 

    Today I asked my 21 year old daughter what she thought the best thing to be invented was. Her reply….pizza 



    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • I did a really funny reply about women and mirrors, that disappeared too. I wonder how?

  • Why struggle and rack your brains, when the answer is as easy as that. We'll done Chelles daughter.

  • Sal I can see your post is there now. It would of been the use of the social media names which would of triggered the post going into a holding area to be modified before posting. 

    We have just discovered Wordle in our house too! We love to see who can get the word first. X 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • It is fun and as it's just once a day you don't get lost down an Internet rabbit hole with it! 
