Good news, bad news.

  • 14 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hello multiple friends. 

The good news is for those who have an interest in how my bits are misbehaving, my condition has been recognised as something that needs dealing with and as such my appointment has been brought forward to this Friday.

I will report back as to what unpleasant things are going to be applied to my sensitive areas.

Thank you for all your support through my anticipated unhappy surgery.

Thank you all.

  • I turned Queens evidence and gave them the names of possible seditionists. Is that even a word? 

    Knick, knack, paddywack.  

  • My dictionary says seditionary

    Give a dog a bone


  • Hi, Well, I was correct, the world has gone mad. Did anyone read the story of Marks & Spencer having to change the name of sweets as they were told "Midget Gems" could be an offensive name to people with Dwarfism!

    I actually have a friend who is 4'2" we joke all the time and she says things like " you are only friends with me because you can't find anyone else you could look down on!" I'm 5'0! I asked her about this true story (really is true) and she laughed saying she hadn't made the association until it was pointed ou, then said next thing they will be saying not to use the word little! Where does it all stop! It's time these politically correct people got a life!

    Thoughts anyone!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Yes I heard that story.

    im sure most people would not give it a second thought. Until someone puts it in their head.
