I good thing, some bad things

  • 67 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Good thing.

Had a huge amount of blood tests. I think they were generally good but I couldn't understand the nurse telling me!

So, something minor wrong with my heart, something minor wrong with my blood count but PSA good, the only one that matters really.

Bad things.

In for covid swab Sunday, then isolating until Thursday when I enjoy the delights of a cystoscopy. Didn't like it last time, don't expect to like it this time!

Catheter in for 3 nights, let me tell you that is a right nuisance.

So to everyone who reads this and says" that will stop him posting ridiculous and useless items on here"

You are absolutely correct, karma has come back to bite my bum, it won't enjoy that though!


  • That Pet is disgraceful YoungMan, don't encourage her.

  • I'm sure it will take more than a cystoscopy and a catheter to stop your nonsense Norbury. 

    Best wishes for the procedure and I hope that all the minor things stay that way or improve. 


  • Sorry to hear that the treatment isn't doing it's job OBS, good luck with the new IV regime, and I hope your hair grows back nicely again.

    Best wishes 


  • I'm taking that as a complement and a challenge Sal. Thank you for the wishes

  • Hi Norb, Sorry there are more bad things than good things but I'm sure after your good lady has chased you around the room, she will hold your hand and comfort you! Yes, I too thought Salis had thrown down the gauntlet.........prove him wrong!!    OBS, your new chemo is going to work it's magic and your hair will grow back thicker and stronger than before! It could even be a different colour! Lol! It has happened to folks on here before! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Sorry to hear your not doing to well at the moment I really hope they can sort out your problems for you and after all the things you have to go through you come out the other side feeling much better xxxx

  • I know what a pain all the fuss before the procedure starts is. I had to keep having PCRs and travel to get them then isolate. At least you know what to expect with the cystoscope. I get some Valium or lorazepam before procedures because I get very nervous.

    Good luck with it all and we want to hear the gory details afterwards. 
    Good news about the PSA xx


  • Good luck with chemo xx


  • Hey Norberry. Well, we knew this was on the cards after you posted before, and the time has now arrived. Hope that it all goes well. As Ruth said, can't you ask for some sedation whilst they go through with it? I got that for all my gastroscopies - the whole thing was horrid but at least I wasn't awake when they shoved the camera down. Worth asking, or even demanding.  At least it'll be all done before Christmas. I suppose you want a big hug now ---well, here it comes. Take care matey. Put it to bed eh?  Rainie x

  • Oh dear, I am guilty unknowingly of over egging what I am going to be suffering. It only dawned on me this am when Ruth mentioned sedation.

    I am having a general not a local, I will be in blissfully ignorance of everything until I wake up with an appendage to my appendage!

    I had an unsuccessful local last time followed by a general so this time straight to the knockout.

    I still want to keep my hugs and sympathy though please!
