Some good news

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  • 53 subscribers

Hi everyone. I have been mulling it over, whether to post this here or not, as I am aware that several people in the group are really having a rubbish time with things at the moment. I had a real dilemma as to whether to share my news or not, but after speaking with a friend from the group, he has made me realise that good news is so important to others in the group. 

When I was diagnosed 7 years ago with metastatic sarcoma in the lungs, the news was very dire. My GP phoned me with the news, that I had several tumours in both lungs, and it didn't look good. I was then passed to respiratory who did all the relevant tests and scans, and before passing me to oncology I was told they thought I would have 6 months to live. By the time I had reached oncology I thought I was pretty much written off. I was a mess, I was 45 years old, my youngest child was 13. My oncologist explained that my cancer was very rare, and I was incurable, but It was treatable. Her words to me were "you are in my hands now, trust me" . 

Yesterday I had my follow up oncology appointment with results from recent scan. I am very pleased to announce I am still in the stable Mabel club. I feel very lucky that I am able to share my news with you all, my only wish is that others will be able to join me in the stable club.