Ill health retirement - any advice?

  • 16 replies
  • 49 subscribers

I have started down the road to taking ill health retirement, does anyone have any hints or tips?

Best wishes 

  • I haven't read this whole thread but just popped in to say, if it hasn't been said already, that if you have a <12 month prognosis, you can cash out your whole pension, tax free.

    Stuart x 

  • Hi Salis,

    I talked to the Macmillan helpline and they arranged for a financial expert to call me.  I was able to take early retirement on medical grounds so my pension paid out as if I had worked until I was 67, an extra twelve years worth of payments.  There are three grades of medical retirement and I got the top one as I am not expected to be able to work in any capacity again.  Together with PIP I receive about the same as when I was working.

    It is worth giving the helpline a call and asking them to review your fincial options.  They can assist you reviewing your pension options, advise re benefits and any insurance policies.

    All the best,

    Gragon x

  • Hey, Salis

    Don't know how far you've got. It took me AGES to gather the courage to look at all this but when I talked to these people

    it gave me the momentum.

    A friend has done what Galilee mentioned and taken out her whole pension tax-free. This really depends on your circumstances but the people above can discuss that.

    Definitely worth looking at PIP for let's call it short-life expectancy. Your medical team fill a form called something like 1500 confirming your "status", you get a call from a financial person (in my case CAB) and that's it. I didn't think I needed it either but the relief I felt when I got it was HUGE. A palliative care nurse friend encouraged me to claim it and it's made a big difference to how I feel about how much stress I must put up with (does everyone else feel like they cannot cope with stress at all anymore??) and work I have to do, certainly. And it's not a death sentence (which is how it felt to me) - if you live longer, they review it anyway.

  • Thanks I've saved the links and will look at them when I've recovered from my holiday! 


  • Recovering from a holiday sounds like a lovely thing to have to recover from, especially on this forum ;-)
