Just been labelling chargers in the shed

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So that Debbie knows which charger is for which tool.

I am running out of affairs to get in order Joy

Much love,

Stuart x 

  • Yes. Thank you for that

    there must be others in this situation It is worrying that his licence has expired . He applied by post about 2 months ago. I applied on line for him 10 days ago.

    you can track the progress on line and it just says in  Progress. We go to Kefalonia in a month and need to hire a car which we won’t be able to do with out a licence. It does say you can continue to drive as long as you have applied for another licence.

    we will be glad when the new one comes through 

    the DVLA have been on industrial action x


  • Hi Stuart,

    I'm new here but also putting affairs in order. Have you done any "legacy making"? I'm planning to write birthday cards for my 5yo son as he grows up, but it's been easier to ignore. I did get a password manager so my wife can access all that!


  • Hi Patricia, welcome.

    I did a spreadsheet of accounts and passwords pretty much as soon as I was diagnosed.

    I haven't written any letters for the kids yet, although I know I should. I seem to have a bit of a mental block about it.

    Mind you, ny kids are 27 and 22. I cannot imagine how it must feel to be thinking about having to do it for a five year old. You have my deepest sympathy there.

    Much love,

    Stuart x 

  • I admire your organisation skills. Apart from the  legal stuff and power of attorney, i did nothing. Heart

  • HI Tony73

    I've been trying to imagine what to leave if anything, they know how ill I am yet two of them are rude and yell at me sometimes. Why should I leave anything to them, aged 35 and 37. 

    One of those two is still at home and doesn't pay his share of the household expenses. What ages sre your children?


    Love life and family.
  • HI TV. 

    We have no kids. The wife is very independent so can organise stuff. I place no.value on stuff anyhow. I never have. Everything inc house, pension goes to her. My occupational pension only started 5 Months ago too so thats well timed. If I was single, I would have left.everything to animal.charities.


  • Everything goes to my husband automatically. They will get the house and everything in it in the end. 

    except I have altered my will,and leave a lump sum to each of my children aged 32 and 36.

    one of them needs help to get on the property ladder and otherwise he would have to wait because unless you live 7 years you can only give them £3,000 a year.

    I love my children dearly

     who are very good to me. Our son now visits us from London for a weekend every 3 weeks and we love seei

    ng him. Our daughter lives nearby and we see her frequently.

    I do understand however that having one or both in the house all the time could be difficult.

    I am sure you love your kids xx


  • H i Ruth

    I only did the formalities to safe guard partner. I have absolutely no interest in material stuff. I never have.  I doubt I will be remembered for the money.  i hope Im remembered for the love and compassion which apparently I have !!. Thats worth more as a legacy than any money.Heart

  • Very true we don’t want to be loved for our money .

    wills make life easier when the time comes for our partners 


  • I'm sort of grateful that I will probably never have to get to grips with what bin to put out on what day. But only sort of. Chargers and online shopping I can manage and husband now set up for that too. Relieved to have sorted that out. When you start to go through things, you end up with quite a list.