Art for art's sake

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I was wondering if anyone feels they might benefit from being part of an art group specifically for those here. I'm an artist, though I have to admit to you that I've produced absolutely nothing for ages due to being ill and in hospital, not having anywhere to exhibit for aeons and generally being extremely knackered out most of the time. But then I started thinking maybe I could do something positive about it. I've worked within what's called the 'Arts in Health' sphere and done a lot with things like colour therapy. I'd also like to say that you don't have to be rich to make art. I've done a whole exhibition made from recycled materials. It's all about taking yourself to another place for a while and having a bit of messy fun. No judgemental rubbish or anything like that. And if you don't think you're able to draw anything that looks remotely like what it's supposed to look like, well, that doesn't matter either. I think that maybe for starters you might like to message me if you are interested and then I'll try and work out a little programme. Just for us. Let me know what you think. Rainy X