A week of hell

  • 54 replies
  • 53 subscribers

Hi everyone

From last Sunday I began to feel unwell and I became increasingly worse with shivers until unbeknown to me, she had contacted the emergency number of the cancer unit of MacMillan NI. An emergency ambulance was on its way and I was fast tracked. I was packed in ice which was not pleasant at all, to try to lower my body temperature which was 39.7, yet by today is 38. I've been diagnosed with neutropenic sepsis..I could have died 

Tvman xx

  • Thanks everyone for your kind wishes, it's good to be home and in my own bed also a big hug from my wife. 

    I've been in the garden transplanting Sunflowers, tying up tomatoes, removing side shoots, nipping off the tops of broad beans to keep away blackflies, straighening onion plants and doing a little weeding.

    More to do tomorrow, that's enough for tonight.

    Thanks again everyone

    Have a lovely holiday Annette.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Glad you are back to the gardening, we have also done all these things.Still got blackfly on the Brad beans and have sprayed them with soapy water which helps 

    we gave away a lot of tomato plants and all the people are enjoying watching them grow. I also have too many courgette plants now and have given a couple to my children and the pub manager wants some as his got eaten , so good to see others growing things too xxx


  • So happy for you that you are home and doing and having all the things you love xxxx

  • Glad you are home again and back in the garden but I hope you are taking things easy. It sounds like a lot of work for someone just out of hospital.
