8 years on , what’s next, update

  • 28 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi all

I saw my onc today, which is exactly 8 years since my original diagnosis of non small cell lung cancer. The new growth is around the tumour that has been stable for about 3 years.  Fortunately it is only there and hasn’t gone to any lymph nodes.  The next step is to do a ct guided biopsy to confirm it is the same cancer as before.  If it is I will start on docetoxel.

Silly me didn’t ask how many rounds I will get.  Is there a standard protocol for this treatment?  X

  • Thanks Tinalay 

    Sorry you had to go through all that.  You’re right though, the longer you last the more complex things get. I’m not complaining I’ve had such excellent care from all the team who look after me, it sometimes gets a little unnerving unfortunately.x

  • Hi all,

    Fortunately I don’t have to wait long for the PET scan.  8am on Wednesday.x

  • Hi 

    Good luck mummyb  for Wednesday, very early appointment

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Thanks tvman.

    I’m kinda glad it’s early as you can’t eat or have a brew for 6 hours prior.  The temptation would be to much lol if it was later.

    Results will be a week later so not to long to wait.x

  • Hi Mummyb, at least things are moving now and a week towait for results is manageable! I am still keeping everything crossed that you have an infection of some kind and they will know exactly how to treat it! Good luck and please keep us posted!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thanks Annette,

    Typical.  Should have seen my onc on Friday,which was obviously postponed after the biopsy cancelled. I can’t see him for the results next week as it’s a bank holiday. Going to have to wait 2 weeks for results unless I can sweet talk my lung nurse into passing them on ahead of the appointment.

    I know 2 weeks isn’t long to wait as far as test results go but when you know they are available.........


  • I know it s tough waiting 2;weeks. I always have to wait 2 weeks after my scans. Sometimes my oncolwillmsendnme the report ahead of time but always refuses if it is bad news. I try and put it out of mind as much as possible but do feel different for those 2 weeks x


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp

    It’s so hard isn’t it, like waiting for the ax to fall...or at least living under a cloud of anxiety, there’s so much riding on every result. Daloni used meditation, 3 good things and seeing to keep her mind focussed while she was waiting, so she tacked the anxiety as she couldn’t influence tha scan. Miss her xx