Good news

  • 14 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hi All, it seems like a few of us are getting good news at the moment, long may it last. Here's mine...

My husband and I had a face to face appointment with my Oncology Registar today to see how things are going at home.

I asked the $64,000 question, what's next?

The steroids have stabilised the progression of spinal cord compression so that's no longer an issue.

I'm being offered some fairly light weight chemo with the expectation that it will deliver 6 months of life, and it's already been approved for funding.

Any change in my condition is likely to be slow and gradual, no surprises and I'm not likely to have a stroke or anything similar.

I've got a couple more weeks to recover from the kidney infection, and can change my mind at any time. Side effects of chemo are dose related so there's wriggle room there too.

We feel like we've won the lottery, it's absolutely priceless. That's a big change from 2-6 weeks with treatment 2-6 months without. Yay me! xx

  • Hi Tinalay,

    It's so lovely to hear positive news, and so nice to be able to share it. 

    Love and best wishes 


  • Wonderful news Tina, congratulations. 

    Stuart x 

  • Oh Tinalay, wow what a turnaround, fantastic. Couldn't have happened to a better person. I'm really so happy for you. 

    Now, (with tongue firmly in cheek) are you going to ask your niece for your car back lol?

    I have to say it again, I'm really so happy for you. You've lifted my spirits too!

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Just thinking , would that have been the good news you gave your son's? I was curious because you didn't elaborate on that and I'm too much of a gentleman to ask Grinning

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Stable for 6 months Blush Surrendered my licence, that ship has sailed, but lots of cheuffeurs in the wings xx

  • FormerMember

    Hell YES T!!!!!

    Damn - that's sooooo cool!!!


  • Hi Tinalay, That's great news indeed! The thing I've always told my family is, if this new drug works....even for a while, then hopefully by that time there will be another drug in the pipeline being licensed that will work for another while, or longer and so it goes on.......I hope! Can you tell?? I'm ever hopeful! The reduced chemo sounds just the thing, let's pray it will do it's work without the side effects, then you can enjoy the summer and you're Therapy Room will be well used, I'm sure!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I had to surrender my licence over a year ago. But I was pleased to tax service and give my car to my son. It was good to be able to help someone else.

    my husband drives me everywhere so I am lucky really. Xxx


  • Lovely news . It is so good to have hope for the future. We have the summer to look forward to xx


  • Excellent news let’s hope it goes really well. My parting comment to fellow sufferers when I leave a ward is May your tumours stay small and your side effects stay minimal


    be safe, be nice, be you