  • 15 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi all,

looking for advice, I have been on the phone to rhuemotology and my oncology team as the last 2 weeks I have had so much pain it's starting to get unbearable paracetamol and oromorph work for a while, had bloods taken last week which was brought forward a month still waiting for results, the pain in my stomach and back has also increased which I am guessing is due to the little sh@@@ I have had tagging along for the last year, my prognosis was 6-12 months and I can't help thinking it's almost a year so were they right? anyway sorry to put a dampner on things just needed to get it off my chest.

It's amazing how one minute you're flying high with good news  the next you're down down down


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Mindfulness for chronic pain does mostly work - I have chronic back pain and I did a mindfulness course at the chronic pain clinic.  It took 6 weeks once a week and one of the things they said was on a good day not to try and do everything just because you are having a good day.  I did use mindfulness when they were putting the picc line in and my veins wouldn’t accept it.  I have to say though it failed me as it was just so damn painful!!! It is worth pursuing as not every technique works for everyone- They did say acknowledge the random thoughts then push them away when meditating, as your mind can wander

  • Hi 

    I had 2 appointments at the Chronic Pain Clinic, 4 years apart.

    My first appointment lasted 2 minutes, I was told that the amount of pain killers I was taking was more than the doctor in the pain clinic could give me, so off I toddled lol

    On my second appointment the doctor (a different one) told me that the amount of slow release morphine I was taking would shorten my life by 10 years so he suggested I reduce my intake by 100 mg  daily, however that left me in immense pain every time I moved so my GP reversed the dosage, but with my suggestion of an increase of only 30mg twice daily to a total of 220mg.daily. 

    I'm still in severe pain though, but only when I stand! 

    Take care Maz and stay safe.

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    I’m so sorry to hear this.  Can they not do denervation for you?  I have it in my facet joints and it is amazing- reduces the pain significantly for about a year to 14 months.  My clinician uses a laser to burn the nerves so they can’t transmit their pain message.  The little sods do grow back though eventually!!

  • Hi I use my palliative care doctor for pain relief as some doctors do not understand and think that giving you too much will shorten your life or you will become addicted. They dont realise we have to weigh up the pros and cons .I personally am incurable and dying anyway. I would much prefer for my last days/ months/ years to be pain free . My palliative care doctor is used to us who are incurable and prescribes the medication accordingly. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Rosethorns

    I’m 100% with you on that score  this is certainly not the time for putting up with pain, such an energy vampire. With medication it can be a tough balancing act between pain and sedation so it’s interesting to hear about other options such as nerve blocks. Everyone seems to agree that the palliative care team are the best people to help with pain management.
