Telephone consultation

  • 31 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Looking for advice. I received tel call to say I could have a telephone consultation unless I wanted to have a face to face. I get 3 monthly scans. Do you think this is likely to be good news as I don’t have to meet face to face. Hope this makes sense

  • Hi I have had telephone consultations and oncologist told me I have treatable cancer of the bone in spine and pelvis, has anyone had oral Chemo I had my first tablet yesterday and I am terrified of the side effects.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Boobylou

    I have oral etoposide on days 2 and 3 of my chemo cycle.  Read the leaflet carefully so you will know if you get any of the possible side effects - being informed is key - if you do find yourself suffering,  ring the oncology hotline.

    So far for me it has been nausea but the anti sickness tablets keep that at bay.  Hope this answer helps to reassure you.  There will be others no doubt who can offer you reassurance.  Good luck with everything x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Boobylou

    I can only echo what Maz has said as we are on the same treatment plan if a few months apart although it looks as tho' I am about to have a second bite at the same cherry...

    Her advice is sound but I will add that when you read the info forms that accompany the consent forms, They contain EVERY possible side effect - in my case my major side was constipation for 4-6 days after infusion & 2 days of etopside tabs. I upped my daily fruit intake to 5 pieces and used Andrews every night and that seems to have sorted that issue.

    Most important is to be aware of what is happening in your own situation - remember you always have the 24hr call line to the chemo CNS - they are truly marvellous.

    Don't worry about things that MIGHT happen - just deal with what is in front of you now.

    Stay Strong


  • Hi Boobylou, You will only make yourself ill and bring ON side effects if you start thinking about the "what if's"!           SiT is right! (Did i really say that!) Take it one day at a time, one thing at a time and deal with it. Let the what if's go to the back of your mind, then forget them, you'll feel better for it! Bye the way, not everyone actually gets side effects!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    The Matron has spoken so you'd better take notice...

    Otherwise Norberry will be getting some company on the Naughty Step.

    It's easy for me to say but do try to remain positive - chemo today is much much more targeted than even in the recent past so, REALLY good luck with it - let us know how you are getting on...

    Stay Strong


  • Hello Boobylou, it sounds to me that your cancer has been given its marching orders from everyone here.

    SiT can be vaguely useful but is a nuisance whereas Ann_ matron _danv is not to be trifled with.

    You shouldn't be threatened with me on the naughty step, you can share my peanut butter sandwiches, found them a week or so ago, you cannot tell if they are stale because of the built in peanut  crunch.

    Chemo is not always nice to look forwards to but it is a big stick on your side and there are plenty of drugs to sort out the side effects, as the Matron said, you may not even get any. Best wishes. Xx

  • Hi

    I have been on oral chemo for just over one month now, 2 weeks of 8 tablets, then 7 days off. I am now on day 5 of cycle 2. I think we all are scared by new treatment and the leaflets tell us all the side effects so we are properly informed - but remember just because something can happen, doesn't mean it will. As well as the placebo effect which most people know about, there is "nocebo" effect which shows that if you expect bad effects, you are more likely to get them - showing the power of the mind to influence us for good or ill. That is not to dismiss side effects as other than real when they do happen. Hope you have been okay since the first tablet and your fear will lessen with each time. I know I was anxious but determined not to expect the worst, and so far, fingers crossed I have been fine, just a bit more tired than usual.Good luck.


  • I'm on my 3rd cycle of 8 tablets a day for 2 weeks, so far all the side effects have been manageable, and if ive had any concerns i have phoned and either been reassured or brought in, checked over and reassured. The thing they called me in for was a very low temperature (35.4) and possible uti, my temperature was normal by the time I reached the hospital, but they did bloods and a wee sample and kept me there until the results came back normal.

    It is always worth phoning in if you are concerned


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lynne_1961

    Great news Lynne x

  • Hi Salis

    I was at the dentist a month ago and my temperature was taken on the way in. Mine was 35.8 but that's possibly something to do with my blood cancer, my feet are always cold and white and my fingers are white which my haematologist says is symptomatic of anaemia. I meant to look that up later but as usual I forgot!


    Love life and family.