Double whammy update

  • 60 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Morning all, we have a dusting of snow today, looks lovely although it's only 1*

After the initial shock of my brother's diagnosis and the disappointment of my last scans showing disease progression in the brain & liver tumours things have settled down.

My brother is having 4 cycles of aggressive chemo and then a break and repeat PET scan to see if he's stable enough to be offered surgery which he's been told is his only chance of survival. Nothing's definite till it's definite as he's also in a tier 4 area and the hospital is stretched to the limit.

I started my 5th line of chemo, oral Capecitabine, to try and slow things down. The 1st cycle was ok but I had problems straight away with the 2nd cycle. Half way through & having only managed a little over half the dose I rang the chemo nurses and was told to stop taking it. I had constant nausea, a day of vomiting despite medication, mouth ulcers, palmer/plantar syndrome, so bleeding finger tips and painful feet like walking on broken glass. I was alternating between no sleep at all to 14 hours one night and could not get warm. 

I've heard oral chemo referred to as "chemo light" but that certainly hasn't been my experience. if I wasn't such a lady I would swear!!

 I'm seeing my Consultant on Thurs and have no idea where we go from here, or even if there's anything left to offer. I could have stronger medication to manage the side effects, perhaps steroids, but that medication has it's own side effects....

On a positive note my hair, eyelashes and eyebrows are growing back and we've got the pain management under control BlushFingers crossed


  • Hi Tinaly I have my fingers crossed and everything else for you today loads of love and hugs xxxxx

  • Yes I go out for a walk everyday no matter what the weather. Having a dog makes me do that and I feel better for getting out 

    I also find having something to look forward to pen if it is a long way away.

    I have my daughters wedding in May and yesterday decided if I am well enough by then we will all go to Greece again in September like we did last year. It was so lovely to get away and swim in the sea eat in the tavernas.

    I heard on a v we will get a global travel insurance card for Europe now we are not in the eu. Also by September MST of us will have been vaccinated and we should be able to do more things again. 
    meanwhile I don’t go anywhere except for walks.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp

    Hello again, thank you for all the lovely messages of support. The plan is to get straight back on the horse with a 20% reduction in dose, one of the triage nurses will ring in the next couple of days to see how things are. I asked if there was a plan B and the Consultant said although we are getting there we are not at the end of the road yet. If this doesn't work we'll try something else, so not only is it very reassuring but the pressure's off. He also said that I would be offered the Covid vaccination via the GP and should have it by the end of Feb. Obviously people on chemotherapy were not included in the clinical trials and the expectation is that the vaccine will be less effective but still offer a reasonable level of protection.

    This particular Consultant is a force of nature and always very positive so it was a bonus to see him today. Others have left me feeling that I had one foot in the grave and the other on a banana skin. So, feeling hopeful and thinking I might get another birthday after all! xx

  • Tinalay, I've been waiting and hoping that you would come through with good news. I am an optimistic person by nature but this does sound like really good news.i will remove myself from here so others can share their delight with you. Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp

    I agree   it's important to have things to look forward to, your daughters wedding and a family holiday in Greece sound perfect! Have you thought about your Mother of the Bride outfit yet? We had a family holiday to Kefalonia in Sept '19 and it did us all so much good, the stunning colours, the warm sea and the gentle hospitality of the Greeks, hard to beat.


  • Oh Tinalay I am so pleased for you and good that back up plans are also in place for you it's also nice that your consultant seems like a good one and you have got positive information from him loads of love and hugs xxx

  • Hi Tinalay

    Wonderful news dear Tinalay. Now as you say, the pressure's off and you can rest easy, I know you're not out of the woods yet but there's a glimmer of light. I'm so very relieved also because it's great to sense a friend is clearly upbeat now, thanks to seeing a consultant who has sprinkled his magic dust of positivity. 

    Later today I will find out my latest blood picture, I'll be waiting nervously for a phone call between 10 and 12 this morning. Fingers crossed. My wife was sent home from school where she is a classroom assistant because she broke down. Before she went, she was crying because she knows she's at risk of bringing the virus home to me and didn't want to go. Her head knows about me, I've met him several times when I've helped in the eco and gardening club after school activities. It's a pleasure to pass on some of my knowledge to young children who have an enthusiasm for learning otherwise they wouldn't be there. 

    You'll be wakening this morning after hopefully having a peaceful night's sleep, realising that you weren't dreaming, it really happened Grinning

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Yes it has cheered me up to look to the future. I hope others on here can have things to look forward to. I feel well at the moment and think this new drug is working to stabilise things. My consultant who is lovely says it is my only option now I want to keep taking it no matter what the scan shows as I feel well and positive taking it.

    I will just buy a dress for the wedding nearer the time. I always liked to go to the shops and try something on. On line isn’t the same.

    im glad you liked Kefalonia we have been several times.myopic can really relax there and feel safe.



  • Big smile Tinalay, let's hope this is more tolerable for you. Big hug! X

    Flowerlady x
  • Hi tvman,

    I hope the blood results are good. It is always worrying waiting for results.

    im so snotty your wife is upset going to work. Perhaps she needs a break from the stress. What age are the children ? It must be hard for small children to understand and keep to social distancing.

    we should all get the vaccine by the end of Feb which will be good.

    my daughter has got her slot for one on Monday. She is a children’s nurse and has been involved with vaccinating participants for the trials for covid.

    I meet her twice a week for a distanced walk and she will be happy to have had the vaccine.

    love Ruth x
