No ‘targets’

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  • 45 subscribers

I have terminal DLBCL. In October. When telling my consultant I wanted to be alive and well enough to enjoy Christmas he replied “ i’ll do what I can but I can’t promise anything“ 

I was determined I would - I kept busy with baking and arrangements (which Covid kept changing, and I made it. I am alive and mobile with a good appetite and thoroughly enjoyed Christmas. But now I kind of think ‘now what?’

I feel low. I don’t know if I’ll reach Easter or even if it’s reasonably to think I might. But I really want to still be here when the skylarks start singing again (I live in the country) 

Some days of late I have felt so wiped out and not wanted to get up, or I’ve had to sleep on the sofa during the day. This makes me wonder if this is the beginning of the end.

I have a PET scan next Monday (Jan 4th) I guess I’ll know more then.

I don’t necessarily want advice, I guess I just want to know I am not alone in my feelings

  • I always say that. I am most certainly living not dying

  • That's good! See i now had five times my "last"'s somehow weird, but i would like another five...

  • Hi Lellynelly,

    I noticed in your second paragraph you asked now that you are still here and lasted until after Christmas " WHAT NOW?"!

    I asked myself that question after my first Christmas too and decided to live and enjoy life for as long as possible and like its my last day! I tell the people I love, every day that I love them. We are 8n the rare position of being able to say everything we want and need to say and leave nothing unsaid so have no regrets!

    Of course when scan time comes around, we all get "scanxiety" in different degrees but afterwards when it is good news, it is easy to go back to enjoying every day as it comes, for however long! I have been lucky enough to have been doing that for some time! I hope, if you try it, you will too!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!