• 106 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hi, To everyone reading this, I'd like to ask you the above question!

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not wanting to break any rules of course, so I'm not asking "where" as in what part of the country, or even "what" country.

I was looking in the DISCUSSION 'S list for the "Incorrigibles" (Incurable is of course is the actual name) Group, to see what was happening and it suddenly dawned on me!                     With this new upgraded site, it actually tells you how many people have actually viewed the topic! Some topics have over 600 views but only 10-18 replies, others have 300 or more views but only 8 or so actual replies. Please have a look and you will know what I mean!

What I would like to know is "Where Are All the People Who Viewed?"  Most of all " Why haven't you contributed to the discussion?"

Just think, there would be no discussions to read if others didn't reply!! Go on, make it a New Year Resolution to reply to even every 5th, 10th or even 20th view you read. Then the site will go from strength to strength with more people participating!!! That would be fantastic!

Have a great week and an extra special Christmas! 

  • Hi Norberry,  Can you please tell me WHO Simon is? I have looked everywhere, even in the naughty corner, and can't find Simon OR even WHAT SIMON SAYS!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette 

    I was wondering who Simon is also, I had a brief search but gave up pretty quickly. I had a few unknown people in my bar earlier but they weren't called Simon. As you know it's only for incorrigibles, they were maybe some of our friends here because it's only a secret among us. Can't have any Tom Dick or Harriet getting free drinks. We'll keep it under our hats.

    On a serious note, are you still getting stronger each day? Vince too? I'm concerned about him. Long Covid is a concern also. I'm sure your family are taking good care of you. It's a worrying time for them too, they must have been so alarmed and anxious when they heard your diagnosis.

    Take care and stay safe Annette.

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Aaaahhh - Simple Simon...

    Is the bar still open tvman? Feeling like I need a strong one even though I haven't had a drink in 6 or 7 years (through choice rather than any issues btw...). I suppose I'll just have to console myself with a couple of tubs of Ben&Jerries!

    IT'S ME!!!! Can't anybody see me? I'm right here... 

    This is how it must feel to be a ghost!!!!



  • Hi Simon 

    As a responsible batman Simon, I'm afraid I can't offer you sny alcohol, not even if you grease my palm, my conscience won't allow it. I'm sorry about that, but there are many soft drinks and a range of flavoured teas and coffees.


    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Well then... It would be Tea for one as it is my preferred form of sustenance in any case...

    EVERYTHING is better with a cup of Rosie....

    Stay Strong and Many thx for your temperance on my behalf!! (haha)


  • I just wanted to say i am very glad that you are here SiT Simon...you always make me smile, also Norberry and Tvman ..Thanks for that!!!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Very droll Annette, lol - I like it almost better than my one!!

  • I can see that everyone has worked it out now. You would think someone who has caused so much disruption to our previously organised life on here would be obvious to all. He is the omnipresent elephant in the room.

    As he has said before he is perpetually SiTting  on the step in the naughty corner.

    He has had to make room for me on a number of occasions but my resolution to be a better person will see me out of there for good.

    I can also see that the nightshift is starting up again, my wife never sleeps due to her MS, I will have to get her to post some nonsense on my behalf.

    Bye bye  xxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    Just remind her that we expect a better class of nonsense around here...

    Always room for part-time naughty steppers even if they profess outrageous innocence...

    Also... I'm not an elephant!!! Hahahahaha!!!!!

    Stay Strong All

    SiT (etc...)

  • She takes badly to being reminded of anything but I will try. 

    Just one important question. There are so many threads now involving you, I searched but couldn't find out why the hue and cry for you. It surely cannot be right to be hunted down like a dog in this safe place?

    It was all ; where is Simon, who is Simon etc. Do you owe money or have you reneged dishonorabley on some matter.

    I need to know, you can trust me on this.