• 106 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hi, To everyone reading this, I'd like to ask you the above question!

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not wanting to break any rules of course, so I'm not asking "where" as in what part of the country, or even "what" country.

I was looking in the DISCUSSION 'S list for the "Incorrigibles" (Incurable is of course is the actual name) Group, to see what was happening and it suddenly dawned on me!                     With this new upgraded site, it actually tells you how many people have actually viewed the topic! Some topics have over 600 views but only 10-18 replies, others have 300 or more views but only 8 or so actual replies. Please have a look and you will know what I mean!

What I would like to know is "Where Are All the People Who Viewed?"  Most of all " Why haven't you contributed to the discussion?"

Just think, there would be no discussions to read if others didn't reply!! Go on, make it a New Year Resolution to reply to even every 5th, 10th or even 20th view you read. Then the site will go from strength to strength with more people participating!!! That would be fantastic!

Have a great week and an extra special Christmas! 

  • Thanks SiT for taking me seriously at last. Its a great suggestion and one I have been offered before.

    Big problem, the 24/7 numbers always seem engaged. I mean, always, how can this be? But thanks again my canine 'PAL'

  • Hi Norberry, I wouldn't want to see you suffer! The way to contact one of the 24/7 numbers is.......when they tell you the line is busy, you can press 5 for ringback and as soon as the line becomes free, it rings your phone!

    Sorry people, I really shouldnt encourage this but..........Grrrrrrrr.      Oh dont worry my bark is worse than my bite! Lol!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    At least toss a few Boneo's in my direction when I come up with a helpful tip...

    Humphhh... You just can't please some peeps!!!


    SiT (or... Paw! or... Down Boy!)

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Annette

    You are correct - one mustn't encourage the likes of Norbs or he'll become EVEN more needy...

    And just TOO cheap with treats... Just sayin'


  • Hi What I would like to know is WHY are you both awake at this ungodly hour! You should be in the land of dreams!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hey Annette

    Which also begs (doggie thingy going on there...) the same question of you...

    I am REALLY rubbish at sleeping anyway - I've always only needed 4-6 hours but now I am unable to burn off excess energy at the gym, I'm even worse.

    For instance, I finally got to sleep this morning (Tues) at about 8am and woke up in the early afternoon so now I have decided to power thru tonight and hopefully, Wednesday night may bring a "normal" night... Equally I may well have gone too far and not be able to sleep then either... Ho Hum...

    I have no doubt some of it is cancer related but what can you do?

    So I deal with it however I can which sounds like a VERY good reason for a cup of tea...

    Hope you're well

    Stay Strong


  • anndanv, please don't encourage SiT, or believe any of the nonsense he is peddling about me. Once he is fixated on something or someone he is like a dog with a bone. 

  • Hi, Well I can relate to what you say! I haven't slept yet tonight but am just about to try again soon.

    It looks lovely out the window as long as you are inside looking out! A lot of snow has fallen overnight and the trees etc look great! I love the snow because every garden looks the same and no one sees the weeds! ( dont tell Tvman though LOL)

    The thing is, I used to love making snow angels, having smowball fights, sledging, and building snowmen. Now I can't as if I fall or lie down, I can't get up by myself, I get great pleasure watching our grandchildren playing in it, they were all sledging last week!

    I think I will give the jigsaws a miss this morning and go down and put the kettle on. My husband is working overnight shift ( he is semi retired) at the local hospital in the Out of Hours Service, so looking at the roads, I will worry until he is home safe and sound. I will have tea & toast waiting when he gets home and he will say I should have texted him and hedhave brought me up T&T to bed!!

    Take care

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Missed a lot of the earlier banter but, to help tvman and norberry the military forces way of checking whether grundies/trollies/kecks/ needed changing was to throw them at a wall - if they stuck to the wall it was time to change them

    Per Ardua Ad Astra
  • The earlier banter now archived under evidence, awaiting future prosecution use if necessary.

    One of my nieces husband is in Lebanon at the moment helping the local mob.

    Next time comes back I will see if there is an updated practice but your version does seem like it has stood the test of time. Probably not the smell test of time  though.

    Are you ex flying person - looking at your motto?