Welcome Mandy

  • 12 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi Mandy 

A very warm welcome to the group Mandy although I would prefer to have met you elsewhere. I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis Mandy, have you been given a prognosis yet? There are so many people here who are well past their given time, what we call a sell by date, some by many years so don't be too concerned about yours. 

It is a shock when you find out that you have stage 4 cancer but it sounds like you have a great number of family and friends for support and you can count on msny like minded people here who understand your situation and will befriend you and support you to the hilt.

You have a lovely username, one which I have never come across before. I've read your profile Mandy and you're right, look past the smokescreen of all the nonsense going on and we live in a very beautiful world full of beautiful people, animals and plants. If you're a gardener there is a gardening thread, Gardens Plants etc 2020. If you're not a gardener it's a lovely thread and there are lots of photos. Unfortunately, due to a little problem with the site a while ago many of mine have been deleted. You'll find a group here who will have a similar cancer to yours where you can meet other people who may not be in our group also.

For me, my garden is my solace and a welcome area that benefits my mental health. I became a wheelchair user around seven or eight months after my cancer diagnosis so I had a difficult time in my life for a year or two and if I'm honest, even longer than that, even to the present day.. I, like a few others here, suffer from a lot of pain. In my case it's due to the spinal condition I have but it doesn't stop me from DIY projects or gardening, it inhibits me through pain but I perservere.  

I'm looking forward to getting to know you better here. What part of the country are you from? We're distributed all around the UK, I'm from Northern Ireland, the only one from there in this group as far as I know. 

 We're going through difficult times with the Corona virus, that's all the more reason for being in this community. I hope you enjoy your time here and I hope you don't mind me jumping in with both feet and opening up a new thread with your name on it.

Take care and stay safe Mandy.

Tvman xx

  • Hi KT, It's great to see you posting once again, you have been missed. I used to play badminton, tennis, go walking etc and when you said you can manage a knock up and play walking netball, I am Sooo jealous! If I'm really honest, I'd just love to be able to go on a walk alone. I do have an electric buggy our son bought me that separates into 5 pieces for the car but I cannot assemble it myself as it is too heavy for me. I have a lightweight wheelchair but because I had to have a pin in my arm from shoulder to elbow as a tumour had eaten through the bone, my arm gets tired very quickly as indeed I do also. My husband is a gem and my soulmate and comes everywhere with me but I'm sure he would love to wave me off on a walk by myself as he knows how much I'd love that! Next time you are hitting that tennis ball, hit one or two for me!!

    I know you have just had treatment last Sunday but how are you in general! Take care!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette, I will certainly knock a few balls on your behalf next time, we are rained off today, but are going to do a virtual chat and coffee instead. A person I know passed me yesterday and asked if I was well, I answered the quickest way I could  , yes. I’ve been like a lot of us here feeling a bit low, or a lot low. I needed just some breathing space to reset, but thank you for asking Annette and for keeping in touch. 

    Take care KT