How to get motivated

  • 23 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hi, I have lung cancer, or chest wall disease. I completed 13 sessions of chemotherapy in July and the last 3 scans had shown no activity in my tumour. During the chemo I was hospitalised 5 times with neutropenic sepsis and for most of the time I would have one good week in three. My kidneys were affected by the chemo.  I’m really not complaining, just setting the scene! Since July I have been feeling really well, then I had a CT scan last week which showed the tumour has started to grow so I will be starting immunotherapy next week.

I know most of you have been through worse than this and I know I have to just get on with it but I don’t know how.  Can anyone tell me how to motivate myself to get on with it? I will go to appointments and do what I’m told but I have difficulty just getting up in the morning, I don’t want to go for a walk and I don’t want to cook or clean. I don’t even want to see my friends! I need to get work done in the house but I don’t have enough interest or energy to organise it. If left to myself I would just stay in bed and hide.

I’m sorry this is such a miserable post for a Sunday afternoon so thank you if you read this far and any suggestions would be much appreciated.

  • Hi everybody 

    I have been thinking a lot about you all and appreciating the help you gave me when I posted last month so I thought I would let you know how I’m getting on.

    I had my second session of Immunotherapy (Atezolimab) today. I have had no side effects or ill effects so far except some joint pains and some tiredness.  These could just as easily be signs of getting older!!!!!! So who knows!

    Anyway I thought about what you said and and took on board a lot of it. I decided to take control of the things I can manage and get help with those I can’t.  So I have been getting up and getting dressed properly and even putting on make up nearly every day. (notice nearly). I have been cooking and eating healthier meals or convincing my husband to cook more. I arranged to have a new central heating boiler fitted yesterday - a job I had put off for months and have arranged to get quotes for new fitted wardrobes - another job I had put off. Have three quotes due this week. I am also walking for 30 minutes every day no matter what the weather is like.

    My biggest success (inspired by SiT and Gracon) was to take a good look at myself and my expectations and get real. I had always thought, based on no evidence at all, that when I retired I would turn into a domestic goddess and my house would always be clean and tidy and we would eat healthy home cooked meals all the time. I blamed the cancer for the fact that that did not happen so I have stopped beating myself up about it and have reverted to my previous position which was that if we don’t get food poisoning or a pest infestation we are doing ok.

    So I am doing really well at the moment and am taking things as they come. I hope you are all good too and those waiting for results get good news.

    Take care everyone in these scary times.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Patmart

    Dear Patmart

    Now THAT'S the way to do it!!!!

    One thing - have you had any Ben&Jerry"s yet? (hahahaha - I bet the Malteser's took a pounding!)

    Much love and many hugs (also give yourself a HUGE pat on the back!!!)

    Stay Strong


  • Thanks SiT

    Malteasers have definitely taken a hit. Not so much the Ben & Jerry’s. Our local supermarket doesn’t stock it and with the current COVID situation in N Ireland I don’t venture too far at the moment. On my list for my next big shop!

    Take Care
