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  • 50 subscribers

I am not good this week.  I went for my picc line on Thurs they had had a problem--- come back early tomorrow.   Next day all ready for it to be done --had I had my blood thinners yes I have them in a morning so can't be done, no one told me.

So now its another week before treatment. Feeling rough all aches and pains wondering if new treatment will make me worse. Is it really worth the struggle.  I am meeting my Palliative nurse the day before so will discuss it with her, I was all for new chance of a little extra time but it gets harder to go on. I know you all have troubles why is it so hard for us all.

C J   X X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


    Yes that’s incredibly helpful. I’m going to read your post several times before I reply properly.

    I have finally seen some doctors. No discharge today. Tomorrow is realistic. I need to digest what’s been said but broadly handover to hospice for pain management and halt chemo. 


    And to the gang, thank you, thank you, thank you. I shall reply properly later. 


  • Reading and posts is hard. As a recently diagnosed friend text me "cancer sucks". It does, sometimes more than others, and both of you are in a really crap place at the moment. Everyone in this group knows that we will join you there at some point, just a matter of time. You are pioneers for the rest of us, even though you didn't sign up for the job. But you are both prepared to send us messages from the front line, and I for one am grateful.

    Lots of love


  • Ownedbystaffies, that pretty well says it all. I share your gratitude.

  • Gosh, I really don't know what to say. I'm upset reading all these updates - seems so many of you are struggling. What a brilliant lot you all are, you keep trying to buoy each other up and it really is so generous and impressive. 

    I've been distracted by home schooling my feral children and trying to enjoy some time away from cancer but I try and check in every now and then but what a shock today. I'm sorry I'm not consistent - I can hear Daloni shouting at me to live my life and I'm so grateful for that ringing in my ears.  

      - I have no words. Your honesty keeps coming, dig deep precious friend. I'm behind you on this awful road but I couldn't have asked for a better guide - thank you for sharing your treasure so far. 

    Lots of love to you all, 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni.

    Please keep fighting , i was ready to give up but you gave me the will to go on. I know it gets hard . Like you i hope to get rid of some pain, trouble is chemo has its own pain.

    I hope all goes well with pain management, and you are back to your helping everybody else again , NOT forgetting to look after yourself.

    On a lighter note i have an inch of hair grown from last chemo---hate to see it go again.

    Love  C J   XX

  • [deleted]

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I had made up my mind if it didn't post 1st time, I would delete it! Can you believe that's the only one that's gone first time in weeks! 

    Sorry folks, I'll be back to myself tomorrow! Sleep well! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni

    I am so sorry to read your recent posts. I am sure the hospice will get your pain under control, just hang in there.

    I haven't been part of this forum for long but it is  obvious just how much people think of you, and how many lives you have touched with your selfless advice and positivity. I hope that knowing how much you have helped others brings you great comfort. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    This is bizarre. One minute there was a long and very helpful post about your journey with pain. The next minute it had disappeared and just the short follow up is there. This site is so very nearly end of life. The upgrade can’t come soon enough! I am going to reload and see if it reappears 

  • Hi Daloni, It sounds to me that you have made your decision and it is only you yourself that can make this one. We know we are all going to get there one day but although you say you physically and mentally couldn't make the hospital trip week in week out, it just proves how strong you are in mind!

    I hope your discussion goes well today and the hospice can give you some practical help with the pain. I also hope you can get home today because being in hospital is bad enough but not even having visiting time to look forward to must be soul destroying!

    I hope you get a good sleep so that you are fresh and ready for whatever the day brings and it also  sbrings a safe journey home to your own bed!

    sending gentle (((hugs))) Annette X 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!