Just want to say Hello

  • 25 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hello I joined this group about  3 years ago  I was in touch with smashing lady,  Lady Peeps and a very few others,  however, I have come to the group to read posts,   very frequently and have at that time been ridiculed for my lack of remembrance in some things  Due to Chemo and illness,, I must admit this was by a gentleman and I use the phrase loosely,  Anyway no matter to me I am trying to make contact with like suffering people once again...  I really hope I have not offended anyone,  it is just certain drugs which I think you all know about affects memory and diction,  I would really like to make some friends as precious as Lady Peepy's I have no idea what has happened to her could someone possibly let me know thank you for listening.

Lost and Alone.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Snix

    I am also new to the group. I have stage 4 cancer  treatable at the moment but not curable. Like you I am not giving into cancer and the s**t it throws at me. 

    I also find it hard to talk to people about my diagnosis. I dont want to be the person with cancer who only ever talks about having cancer. 

    I have found this forum really helpful. Everyone understands what each other is going through and whatever life throws at us there is always someone who has experienced the same. 

    Take care and keep posting 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi S Nix, I'm feeling emotional with empathy for you and whsy you're horribly enduring. Your tenacity and positive fight is remarkable and inspiring. 

    Nothing I say takes away your trauma pain or worries but let me say your positivity and determination to fight this cruel cancer and the crushing prognosis, will absolutely get you through and live on for a very long time. Nobody can set an end date for you. It's impossible. Every individual is affected very differently. I was diagnosed in 2011,with GBM grade 4 and prognosed to see out my last few months. I had brain surgery, 6 weeks radio and 14 months, 5 days each month, chemotherapy. Miraculously it shrunk my tumour slightly. Whilst I'm very aware the nature of my tumour is to return (which it did in 2018). So it's 9 years later. So let nobody crush you with very negative anxiety, you can beat it

    PS. Before writing the above, I should enquire about your situation and how you are doing. Please tell me and we shall report progress P. G. 

    Wishing you well, 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember



    Welcome to you both. I both love and hate it when new members join. I hate it because it means someone else is facing the crushing news that they have incurable cancer. Love it because each new member enriches this amazing community. If there’s anyone else new I’ve missed out then apologies. I can only blame my memory which, after years of cancer treatment, is not what it was. 

    I am going to be brief. I just wanted to add a bit about prognosis and the difference between living with cancer and dying from it. 

    I think doctors often give a prognosis because we ask for it, imagining it will provide some kind of certainty. But it doesn’t. There are so many people here who have lived long past their sell by date to prove that. I’ve long ago let go of the question “what’s my prognosis”. 

    My other point on the difference between living with cancer and dying from it. When I was first told the cancer was back and the only thing they could offer was palliative chemo, I felt as though I was dying. It took me a good couple of years to wake up to the fact that I was still alive and I would be better to live with cancer. Nothing changed with the disease. It was my attitude that changed. Sure I had been through a grieving process for the life I thought I would have and I was more ready to come to terms with my life as it now is, but it’s a much easier place to be. 

    These days a new terminology is emerging. There is cancer that’s treatable but not curable. And then there is terminal cancer that really does mean we need end of life care. Until such time as I need end of life care, I’m living with cancer and not dying from it. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni. Your words and how you so eloquently put them rings so true. It is encouraging to hear from such a courageous person as yourself. 

    I too am so glad that those who require a supporting and safe community have found us and joined. Warm Welcome and thanks for coming. You can Wright things exactly as they are without being judged. We all want to hear each other's story and experience.

    I wish everybody a good day (as good as possible) and hopefully a good weekend too. 

  • Hi there I am not clever with words that's why I waffle so much I think but so far nobody has complained about me waffling on its just the way I am I can't help it I must admit that when I have a meltdown moment everyone on here gets back to me i honestly don't think I would of made it this far without everyone on here the support and advice you get is amazing my consultant at the beginning was concerned having to deal with cancer living on my own and only one best friend who is one in a million it was my clinical nurse who put this idea to me to join on here as she knows that I don't deal with facing people very well it has turned out to be the best thing I have ever done and have recommended to a lot of people to do as people who have family also struggle to talk about how they really feel I know a lot of people who have said that to me and that's why without hesitation I say come on here if they can put up with me waffling on all the time they will put up with anyone if you see what I mean here I go again waffling on as usual ha ha good luck with your scan next week and hope the results are encouraging and keep fighting on xx
