Phone consultation

  • 24 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hello all. Not my usual post about Waitrose egg eating singing badger cubs!

When I last saw my onco in March he told me to start being realistic about my future. My wife who normally comes with me didn't on this occasion as she was poorly. I got home feeling more than a bit upset as I had gone to the consultation feeling optimistic.

I have got a few other related troubles so we were looking forward to seeing the onco with a number questions.

Now having received a text saying I am now having a telephone consultation I am gutted. Not a great word but that describes my feelings perfectly. I have always had the same consultant who understands me perfectly, if someone different phones it will be a waste of time.

I know nothing can be said or done to change this and I know everyone here will be nodding their heads in agreement.

I am good at pity fests having had plenty, there is something vaguely pleasurable about them. 

I have not forgotten friends on here who are having horrific times, just having a moment!

I have followed all the posts from members having the same issue with sympathy but it has come home with a bang.

Please tell me off, I respond better to that than sympathy!

  • Hi, Do you think maybe part of the reason for you going in 3 weeks is because you will almost be at the end of your shielding time by then and it would be good for them to give you the "once over"? They may also want to check that your injections are working, so if you don't take them before you go and they take bloods while you are there, it should let them know if the injections are making a difference or not!   Yes, here in Scotland at the hospital's I have been to, the Registrars introduce themselves with their Christian names but normally would tell you their surname too. As you say, the consultants usually get called Mr,Dr or Professor unless you have been under their care for a while and then they will say "call me ? Whatever their Christian name is but you wouldn't do it without their invitation!

    Well you are certainly correct about the weather cooling down. One day here we had 28 degs (far too hot for me to function) then the very next day, we had wind, rain, thunder, lightening and 14 degs! Not a day to be doing anything but looking at the garden!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi

    Nice to hear from you again as always.

    What a strange way to speak to you by the lady from ultrasound. If it were me, I'd prefer that she would not make such a comment but ask me to sit outside and just keep her mouth firmly closed regarding what she has seen.

    When you see your onc do you still have a long journey to make? I'd guess you would be revisiting the whole scenario a hundred times in your head the whole way home. I think I would! Then I'd be rehearsing what I'd say to my GP when I get home, or perhaps I'd use my car phone if there is a signal. The 16th can't come soon enough for you I think. Come to think about it more, I'd phone today.

    I will have my fingers crossed for you the whole time Pet. Take care and stay safe my friend.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • , Hi and thanks!!!

    When i see my onc doc then i have to drive for 2 mins Slight smile as she comes here to town twice a week, just all odd things like Endocrinology and Iodine x ray etc i have to drive 1,5 hours...but once in a while that's okay.

    I did calm myself down a bit, as my thyroids are playing up for 3 years now, so it cannot be soooo bad as i'm still here lol.

    Keep you updated.


  • FormerMember

    I ve had two of those ,absurd when i need treatment,I've been suffering because of it,no treatment for 6 wks,and keep getting  NHS letters and text to  see if I have Covid,haha I think I would know if that was the case,Ide be dead or in  intensive care.,talk about rubbing you up the wrong way,and Wasting NHS money.