Hello to the night shift.

  • 107 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi and  and anyone else seeing the night out.

I thought I would join the night shift tonight as I'm struggling to get to sleep.  It's been very erratic recently.  I usually get about three good hours then anything after that is in one to two hour bursts.  Unfortunately it leaves me feeling exhausted the next day so I don't get much done.

I hope that you are both doing as well as you can at the moment.  We are a lot more relaxed here now my MIL has gone back to my wife's sisters where she was before getting trapped by the lockdown.  At least I can crash on the settee now during the day.

All the best,

Gragon  xx

  • Hi

    I'm sorry to hear that your sleep was disturbed last night. Your chemo is today and then you'll have a well deserved week off. I just can't imagine what you guys go through as I have never had chemo, my blood cancer doesn't have chemo for treatment-at least not yet. 

    Hi Millie

    When I was working, I regularly drove for 10 hrs 2 or 4 days a week, punctuated by many stops and starts for deliveries and sometimes with a 2 hour sleep at home between 2x14 hour days. I coped ok as I was used to it. I watched the sun come up thousands of times, I was lucky to experience many beautiful scents from flowers in the clean fresh air of the morning.

    However I can't imagine how you can do 5 hours straight driving twice a day with a dollop of chemo in between. You must have had a team of drivers for that. I also can't comprehend how you can move from Kauai to San Francisco yet have that amount of driving to be closer to your hospital. Distances like that would be unknown in the UK. If someone in our group said they moved closer to their hospital but they had that amount of driving, we would be scratching our heads in disbelief. How far are you from your hospital Millie? 

    I don't join in much in the night shift posts because my arthritic pain wakens me every hour or two and it's so bad that I wouldn't even think of trying to communicate with people. I'm just happy to get back to sleep when the pain subsides.

    Speak later guys

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Well I didn’t have my chemo. I mentioned the hideous fluid retention I’ve been experiencing- I have put on 10kg in just over three weeks and it’s nearly all fluid in my legs and belly. Then all merry hell broke loose. CT scan to check for blood clot and lung infection. Blood tests. And an overnight stay. Boo! I’m still in hospital now. It’s very annoying 

  • Gragon was right, it's all bloody drama with you daloni. Get repaired, get out of that hospital, finish your chemo course and give us all some respite!

    I think if the Moderator allowed, you may well use something different to " annoying" ?

    There is also an MP somewhere grinning to himself with self satisfaction, you need to be fighting fit so as to poke your fingers in his eyes.


  • Hi 

    Yet another spoke in the wheel of treatment. Were you going to hospital yesterday with the knowledge of your fluid retention at the back of your mind, aware that could possibly have meant you wouldn't get your chemo? Is there a chance you can get it today?

    Fingers crossed for you Daloni

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    I know ! it’s always a drama with me. I seem to attract it somehow. And no, , I had no idea they’d keep me in. 

    I think I’m getting my chemo today, probably on the ward. But it could be Monday in the chemo unit. I wish someone would tell me as I need to organise a lift home. It’s an hour drive from the hospital to home. 


  • Sorry to hear this . I also have fluid retention though just my ankles and they caked my bloods which were fine but I had proteinuria so they stopped the lenvatinib for a week then I have another urine test before they restart it 

    love xx


  • Flipping heck Daloni, I hope you are ok and either at home or on your way


    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady

    I am on the last bag of fluid after the chemo infusion, . That will take one hour. Then there will be a bit of faffing around getting the cannula out and printing discharge papers. Then home!!!!! I should be home around 6 to 6.30. I think I’ll have a shower, a cup of tea and then go to bed. 


  • Not long then. That last bag is always a welcome sight.

    I like to think of everyone relaxing at home in comfort. Hope you feel ok tomorrow.


    Flowerlady x
  • Hi, I was so sorry to read about your chemo being postponed and your stay in hospital! I think they should just leave a private room with your name on it since you are a reluctant bit frequent patient there! Poor you and your girls must have been shocked when they kept you in overnight. It is good they gave you the chemo yesterday instead of waiting until Monday.

    I tried for hours from 4am until about 11.30am this morning to reply to this and also another post from Tvman. Then I sent an email to admin and gave up!

    I hope you have had a restful day and feel a lot better now! Sorry this is such a late reply but this was out of my control! Take Care 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!