Hello to the night shift.

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Hi and  and anyone else seeing the night out.

I thought I would join the night shift tonight as I'm struggling to get to sleep.  It's been very erratic recently.  I usually get about three good hours then anything after that is in one to two hour bursts.  Unfortunately it leaves me feeling exhausted the next day so I don't get much done.

I hope that you are both doing as well as you can at the moment.  We are a lot more relaxed here now my MIL has gone back to my wife's sisters where she was before getting trapped by the lockdown.  At least I can crash on the settee now during the day.

All the best,

Gragon  xx

  • Hir , Annette  and everyone

    Good to see you back with us Daloni, I had guessed you weren't well because that's the only thing that keeps you from here but I would never have guessed that your busy media schedule was the cause as you would normally handle that admirably. However, there were quite a few individual interviews that I wasn't aware of and it's not just physical activity that lays us low. I hope your chemo goes well on Thursday.

    Annette, I had guessed your pains were keeping you away although I knew that understandably your frustrations with connectivity were leading to annoyance and you were taking a break. I was also having trouble with the site and was in contact with Steph from admin a few times. My troubles were resolved though and Steph had reassured me that things were running fine.

    Your list of problems with the site is even longer than Daloni's media schedule which is quite an achievement but not one you would desire. To hear that you were being denied access, then when you went through with registration only to be told that there was already someone with those details caused me to smile a little, only because it is so laughably not funny if you know what I mean. I'd have been shouting just as loudly if not louder. It reminds me of a few times when I've been logging in to my bank and being asked to answer yes or no to a question. Now even with my Northern Ireland accent which frequently causes issues, yes or no cannot possibly be misinterpreted or misunderstood, you wo I can't count the number of times the lady replies that she can't understand my reply so that makes me to raise my voice ask her why it is that she doesn't understand yes! Of course that's the point at which she immediately cuts me off without reason. So infuriating!

    Not quite the weather for gardening although try telling the weeds that. At least I'm not digging so much, I'm catching up with a few diy jobs, one of which was repairing yet another drawer broken by my wife shoving too much into it! Annette, I'll be shielding until 31st July but I wouldn't be surprised if it's extended when I see and hear reports of mass ignoring of social distancing. That gets my back up. I'm not sure if I'll be rushing out willy nilly in August, more like dipping my toe in gently.

    Sorry for such a long post, friends, take care and stay safe everyone.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni

    Glad you are ok. I think it’s good to have a break sometimes and talk about other things.

    All the best for your next treatment and hope you stay pain free.x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Anndav 

    Hope you got on top of you pain nothing worse and hopefully the sleeping will come back.

    I am going home today my blood count has improved still on antibiotics but home I go.Daughters pleased we can start to plan Saturday 

    my Birthday,.    Take care xx

  • Hi Daloni,

    I am pleased that you are ok,but fully understand why you have not been on here,you definitely do need a break from thinking about cancer. I actually have felt a bit that way myself plus the fact that I have felt very tired & have joint pain in my hips,which I am finding frustrating. Hey ho, it is obviously a side effect of the chemo. I try to think along the lines that if the chemo works then the pain will be worth it.

    Take care,I hope the chemo goes well for Thursday.

    Georgette xx

  • Hi Peggy,

    I was pleased to see that you are going home today. Take it easy and rest up.  Enjoy your Birthday on Saturday.


  • Hi ,

    Glad to hear you are okay. The price of all that activity is to be knackered! Glad you have given body and brain a rest for a while. I am fine thanks, have review on Thurs and hopefully scan next month to see if current treatment still keeping everything stable. I am creeping out of lockdown bit by bit. Just come back from meeting old friend in an open garden and even had lunch in the sunshine. Some normality is good for the soul. Hope you continue to pace yourself.


  • Hi I'm so pleased you got home in time for a bit of R&R before your birthday! Our daughter's birthday is on Thursday! I hope you enjoy whatever your daughters are planning for your birthday! How many daughters do you have? We have one daughter who will be 44 on her birthday and one son who will be 47 in August! I can hardly believe where the years have gone!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi It makes my blood boil to see the way people are behaving while drinking on the streets in England. Here, drinking outside in the street or parks has been illegal for quite a few years now. Just yesterday the Hotels and bars with Beer Gardens were allowed to open for a short time but people had to book a table, so the queues weren't large outside which seems a sensible thing to do. It is such a shame that a few idiots spoil it for everyone because of bad behaviour. What do others think?

    I will need to go out tomorrow, to look at cookers but I don't think they are delivering and installing yet. At least by then I will have chosen the one I would like and it's just a case of a phone call. I also have Oncology and the Liver clinic this month but I've got a see through shield guard and a mask, so hopefull I will be fine!

    Best wishes to all! Especially the Chemo Gang!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • , Hi there!

    I agree, because we also have some if i can say so..idiots here, now all around Melbourne and Victoria is closed and in lockdown again. So they try to keep it in and not spreading. But now we all have to pay the price again.

    I'm not on chemo just Immuno therapy but i had it today and as a side effect my Thyroids are playing up, so bloods today have shown my THS is 71 !!! Normal range is between 0,4 and 4,0....well we see what Endocrinology will say to that on 16. ...at the moment it is so high, i cannot get warm my hands and feet are always frozen and sleeping is horrible as i wake every hour...but hey as long as it will keep the cancer stable i life with that.


  • Hi All,

    I agree about people drinking and getting drunk being irresponsible but don't think the guidance helps.  So far as I am aware you can visit another household and even stay overnight but must socially distance.  You can also go to the pub and socially distance but there you seem to be able to meet a group of friends from several different households and sit around a table face to face, not wearing masks as you are drinking, and talk for hours.  This does not seem right to me.

    Even without people getting drunk and breaching the rules it seems risky.  It appears to be done for economic reasons which I understand but it does not reduce the risk.  I also saw interviews with customers who had travelled some distance from Scotland to be able to go for a night out.  In one instance a whole group to celebrate one man's 40th birthday and in another three friends from near Glasgow who travelled down on the train to Carlisle and stayed overnight just so they could have a drink together.  I suspect if I lived near the Welsh border I would have heard similar tales from there.

    I saw from the reports this morning that already three pubs have closed because of customers reporting covid infections.  I worry that the infection rates will rise again.

    On a more cheerful note it is good to see so many people getting back home again.

    I also saw a depressing programme about the impact of the crisis on cancer treatments but was left feeling positive by all the professionals pushing from within the system to see that this is corrected and that testing, treatment and trials all get back to where they were before but with better guidance for the medical profession for the future.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Gragon xx