Hello to the night shift.

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Hi and  and anyone else seeing the night out.

I thought I would join the night shift tonight as I'm struggling to get to sleep.  It's been very erratic recently.  I usually get about three good hours then anything after that is in one to two hour bursts.  Unfortunately it leaves me feeling exhausted the next day so I don't get much done.

I hope that you are both doing as well as you can at the moment.  We are a lot more relaxed here now my MIL has gone back to my wife's sisters where she was before getting trapped by the lockdown.  At least I can crash on the settee now during the day.

All the best,

Gragon  xx

  • , well it never get boring with you, does it! Why can just all go to plan with you? Maybe , because so you got more story's to tell??

    I hopr you're all snuggled up at home now and pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee no more playing up or pain!!!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Pet1968

    Hi fellow night shifters

    I can report a completely usual day. No drama. Just a normal day when aliens landed on the front lawn and abducted younger daughter as she tried to greet them with a cup of tea and an egg sandwich. Well, I say abducted. They didn’t get as far as take off after Noodle the Wonder Dog jammed their take off gear with an old slipper and licked their leader. It turns out aliens are highly allergic to dog saliva. Younger daughter made a swift break for it in the ensuing mayhem. I gave the would-be abducters a packet of antihistamines and a jolly good telling off for trying to take one of my old slippers. Heavens, I said, I’d have given it to them if they’d only ask and did they think this was any way to conquer the universe. Their number two (the leader still being incapacitated at this point) shuffled what I assumed were his feet, looked sheepish and said sorry, miss, no, miss, won’t happen again, miss, and off they went. 

    So as you can see, a completely normal day chez daloni 


  • Yep, sound like a normal day to me Slight smile

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear  and Gang

    Yes I drive home from BR and the last day I was tired driving. Luckily it was only 25 minutes and traffic was light. Went to bed early and slept a long time. Thursday was a sofa day snd Friday was the bone treatment. 
    today Saturday has been another sofa day. 

    ill take photos of the garden tomorrow. Rest well all my Chemo friends.



  • Glad your home again Daloni 

    Love you day yesterday good old Noodle stopped in there tracks.We took are Dog last night for a walk near the sea.Off she Trots to a Young chap with flip flops on.Yep she had a thing about licking feet.Yuk

    It was ok though for once she listen to leave him alone and came away. I just let my husband sort her out.We keep her on the lead if we see people especially there days with social distancing.

      Take care x

    Each day a blessing stay strong 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear and ,

    daloni, so sorry you had water retention and had a night in the hospital- and i thought you were finished!!  Boo!! you were kidnapped by healthcare.
    My Chemo seemed ok the first day, but slept longer overnight . The second round finished early I was home before noon -i laid down to rest and woke up in the afternoon I’ve had trouble connecting with Macmillan online the last two days They fixed my connection this afternoon i sign in and find out you had another hospital adventure. Hope you Coming week at home goes well and uneventful!

    tvman, i must have had a typo- I’m anywhere from 20 min-50 min drive from my hospitals. My Chemo is 20 min in and 25 min back on average. Kauai was a 6 hour flight. Im lucky i was on this side of the Pacific when they shut down flights to and from Kauai. I still had to wait 2.5 months here for treatment to start up. 

    And now I'm afraid to get on an airplane to go finish up packing and pick up Skipi.  Seems many life plans are on hold because of the pandemic. Trying to practice mindfulness. 
    Hugs to all,


  • Hi Millie

    Aah, I re-read your post which said that you had a long day, then you said "it was 10 hours plus driving"...... and I thought you had driven for more than 10 hours, but if you had put in a comma, as in "it was 10 hours, plus driving"...…..I would have understood perfectly Slight smile

    I was wondering why you had left Kauai as it was probably quicker to get to the hospital from Kauai!? Problem solved Millie Slight smile.

    Take care and stay safe Millie

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • You are so gullible daloni, of course the aliens will say anything to get away once you have caught them. Noodle can be bought wilh half a sausage so he will be of no use when they come back. Your daughter when she reflects on this event may consider that a week with the aliens is far less stressful than staying chez vous. I can see your entire family loyalty going out of the window at this rate. 

    They don't eat egg sandwiches, everyone knows that.

  • Hi ,

    I'm sorry I haven't responded sooner.  I saw that you had been in hospital again and hope that the issues are resolving.  I was shocked by the amount of fluid retention.  It's no wonder you are trying to give your slippers away.  I bet you are really pleased with your loose fitting African print leggings now.

    It was an amazing adventure that you and your daughter had (not forgetting Noodles part).  Next time they visit perhaps you could ask about out of this world medical treatments.  Alternatively you could ask your medical team about exactly how strong your painkillers are?

    I quite like it when you don't have dramas.  Take care.

    Love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • Love it Gragon, love it. I wouldn't mind some of what daloni is on as well, I think they beat my Pregablin out of the park!