Hello to the night shift.

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Hi and  and anyone else seeing the night out.

I thought I would join the night shift tonight as I'm struggling to get to sleep.  It's been very erratic recently.  I usually get about three good hours then anything after that is in one to two hour bursts.  Unfortunately it leaves me feeling exhausted the next day so I don't get much done.

I hope that you are both doing as well as you can at the moment.  We are a lot more relaxed here now my MIL has gone back to my wife's sisters where she was before getting trapped by the lockdown.  At least I can crash on the settee now during the day.

All the best,

Gragon  xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv


    Thank you for your kind remarks re my BR infusion today. Im already the chair waiting for the treatment bags to arrive.  It only took 25 minutes to get here so im a lucky Duck. We can have no visitors with us so im here alone- well i got you and Daloni and the gang here so actually not really alone. I was complaining about my muscle spasms to my oncologist a few months ago he got a big grin on his face and said tonic was good. I asked if i could add a lime and gin and he laughed.

    , guess your chemo is finished now hope the trip to hospital was easy and all was easy as possible. I have my happy orange and yellow bag with me so i feel your presence. Its a happy bag filled wy food and drinks.

    got to go bags have arrived 

    Hugs to all!

  •  Hi Millie, I'm not sure how long your infusion will take, so you may be home already. I hope everything went smoothly. That's good it didn't take too long to get there, hope the journey home is just as quick! 

    Hi, Oh poor you! That must be so annoying having to keep shaving patches all the time! Yes you are right, I don't have that problem! Lol! In fact my skiing is so fair, I've never had to shave anywhere! I know lots of ladies shave their legs, under their arms etc but not me! Starting off with a patch of 5micph hardly seems worth it, no wonder it didn't work to stop the pain! So does the 15 patch work for you? Is it 1 patch or 2? I've been started on 25 but there isn't a 25 patch so I've been given 1@20 plus 1@5. Just imagine if you had to shave space for two every time! Ouch! Do you still take top up meds while you are using the patches?

    Yes I know about tonic water helping with muscle cramps, a banana last thing is also meant to work, believe me, I've tried them all!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    My Dea .

    Your post made me laugh! I too have the same problems with time and space.  I worked with an agency that spanned from USSR to Europe, to the continental US, Hawaiian Islands and on to Japan and China, so I would have conference calls at all times of day and nights since I lived in Kauai.To set the record straight, I am currently in San Francisco since all my oncology is done at UCSF.  

    OK listen up:  I have a very happy surprise for you, There is an App called Time Buddy (its free if you do not have more than 5 cities), so I set all my contacts time zones and it then lines up with my time zone and BOOM you got it! wherever you are, then you can set your alarm or calendar....it is very good

    You were right, I had my Chemo on Monday and today, as I posted under CHEMO topic -all went well and I even had some fun with it.  I am feeling fatigued after two sequential treatments with Benda but I am a Lucky Duck in that I am alive and still have a doctor that will treat me the way I want and I truly believe that the new t treatments coming in the pipeline will be precise and curing. I filled my orange bag with food, books and my iPhone AirPods for music. And a jacket since sometimes the cold infusions give me a chill, the infusion room is nice and they hand out nicely warmed blankets really wonderful in the winter.

    I'm glad you have a free week coming up and hope that you and Noodle can do that walk.  I was outside with my daughter today she had picked up our favorite Chinese food down the hill,  we ate and  gossiped then she trimmed the lilies in the small front water element, the pond had so many water lilies that the flowers could not make it to the surface, the tall leaves are now trimmed so we can see the fish and the flowers. Happy me,  She also took home a quart bag of sugar snap peas. It's time to sow the peas again so I keep the pipeline full .When I have the energy. 

    Will try and take photos tomorrow, Also I had a pot of 6 ponytail palms that we divided into two pots and she told one home , I cut her a bouquet of Dahlias for her to take home too , my third cutting in 3 days, so The Gang are not seeing photos of the flowers because i keep gifting them - maybe  tomorrow a few more will show up. and I will send a photo, or maybe I will cut a bouquet for MYSELF and take a photo then..

    Anyway I agree with the Gang, getting outside is so important. Lifts the spirits even if you no longer can do it yourself and have to watch a loved one almost fall into the pond trimming the lillies' leaves back.  

    Going to bed now,

    Love and Hugs to all,


  • Hi Millie,

    It's good to hear that your chemo went well.  You keep referring to luck ducks so I thought that I would send you the following link here to the Whitby lucky duck shop.  It has been selling these little glass ducks since before I was born although I am not sure why they are supposed to be lucky other than as a sales technique.

    You should certainly treat yourself to a bouquet of dahlias.  I got some dahlia tubers quite recently so mine are only just showing their leaves at the moment and have a lot of growing to do before I see any flowers.  Where I grew up in Yorkshire you would often see a row of dahlias or chrysanthemums grown in a vegetable garden for use as cut flowers so that the ones growing in the flower garden could be enjoyed in a more natural setting.

    All the best,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Dear ,

    I had a typo -I meant to say Lucky Duck, did not know some were made of glass I will chase down the Whitby Lucky Duck Shop, Maybe I will buy one and put it by my bed to remind me every morning.

    I was reading the paper on Sunday and there was an obit of a lady that had had some hard times in her file but many more good times. Regardless of which she was in she would wake up and say "I'm a Lucky Duck for being alive", So I think Im going to take that attitude and wake up and say, I am a very Lucky Duck!

    I'm afraid my flower garden is much like the one you described.   I tend to cut and give and then I remember put some on my dining table also.  A gift of home grown flowers is special and neighbors and family appreciate them in these crazy times.

    It is late, I had some hard chemo today so it is really now time for bed. Sweet dreams to the Night Shift.

    Hugs to all,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Dear ,

    Thanks for asking, Monday the 15th was very LONG it was almost 10 hours plus driving, very tired when I got home. Today the 16th was less time but the second day really brings on the fatigue. and Ive been writing back to everyone and it is now the 17th. So I must go to bed. There is a longer story about the infusion under the Chemo section I think.

    Hope every one in treatment or about to go into treatment is doing as well as can be.

    Hugs to you all,


  • Hi Millie, Wow, that was a long day and with a second day to follow, no wonder you are exhausted! I hope you have a long restful sleep, it's the least you deserve! Take Care 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Morning Night Shift 

    I have had a very disrupted night and finally given up on the idea of sleep in favour of a nice chai latte and catching up here. 

    I’m glad your treatment is over, Millie . Do you drive yourself home? I don’t think I could manage the home leg of the journey after chemo. I’m always too done in and I would be afraid of falling asleep at the wheel. Certainly I would not be in full control of the vehicle. 

    My chemo is today - which is why I am struggling to sleep. It’s the third and final dose of this first cycle. I get next week off. Hurray! I am expecting to be laid pretty low for a week at least. But maybe, just maybe, I’ll get a half decent week after that. 


  • Chai latte , one of my daughters favourite drinks, enjoy.

    Take care KT

  • Good Morning and everyone else awake now,

    I was up before 4 am today due to the return of my gout.  I used to take a prophylactic medication to prevent it but it started to upset my stomach so I was taken off it before ulcers developed.  I take my current medication when I feel it starting up but it continues to get worse for a while before the tablets kick in and it is extremely painful.  As it tends to affect my feet  (big toe right foot this time) it makes it difficult for me to do anything.  It is not in the same league as your treatments and the side effects of the medication are nothing compared to chemo but gosh does it hurt.  I struggled to get to sleep as even a sheet brushing against it hurts.

    Noah will be online at school today and Mel will be online at work so after my Asda delivery, usually just after 9 am I will be curling up on the sofa and trying to get off to sleep again.

    I'm not a big fan of chai latte, I tend to favour a nice ginger tea.  I don't always check out the mac site when I wake up as I tend to get engrossed and before I know it, it's lunch time and I've lost a very long morning.

    I have no experience of chemo so don't know how tiring it is but as I drive less and less I find that I get tired much quicker than I used to.  There seems to be quite a group of you going through chemo at the moment so I hope it goes ok for you all.  

    Wishing everyone all the best.

    Gragon xx