Metastatic in lung

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  • 41 subscribers

Hi everyone I’m new to this group. Just over 2 years ago I was diagnosed with ampullary cancer, I had a Whipple procedure and 6 months of chemo.  Ive been doing really well but, at the beginning of March, I was told that my cancer is back... I have several tumours in my left lung and have been told this is incurable.  Im in limbo at the moment and have been pretty much left to wait for my next scan some time in June.  Im 47, married with 2 grown up sons.  Just feel a bit lost at the moment.  Anyone experienced the same/similar? Thanks 

  •   Hi, Oh I'm so sorry if you read my profile page, I've been meaning to redo that for a while and summarise it, as it's far too long but who knew I'd still be here years later! Certainly not me or my oncologist! There is a dedicated Group for Holiday Insurance & Travel that's worth a look. I used MIA travel at the beginning but then when we were going on a cruise to Norway, they didn't cover it as they only cover Europe. I've also used Eurotunnel insurance and then they changed their policy. The last three years I've been with Stay Sure and my husband is also covered by them. To be honest, I don't worry about how much time I have left because that's something I cannot control, so what's the use in worrying about it. I just try to make sure that I enjoy every single day as much as I can. I've always been a positive person and although after the initial diagnosis, I had a bit of a wobble, cancer hasn't changed that. My cup is still half full!

    Have a look at the Travel Insurance section here, just write Travel Insurance into the search box at the top of the page or on the Home Page!  There is also an information leaflet called Travel Insurance and Cancer. Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette

    I think you may have been getting tired and confusing Norway with, well, maybe Alaska, ice, snow and beautiful scenery because we did a cruise to Norwegian fjords and our cover for Europe was just fine because Norway is in Northern Europe the last time we and the travel insurance company checked our atlases lol.

    I'm putting that down to a 'senior moment' Annette rather than wondering what your glass is half full of because I think I know you better! ;)

    Take care Annette and stay safe.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi, in actual fact I do know where Norway is, it was the Norwegian Fjords we were cruising to also. However MIA only take countries in the EU (I meant to put EU not Europe) because they ask you to take your card with you to cover the local hospital and Norway are not part of the scheme. Sorry if I confused anyone but I've not slept at all 'yet' but I'm ever hopeful! Tea, water or orange juice is what you'll find in my glass or cup! Boring huh?

    I was just looking at today's weather and down south are having a hot sunny day with a high of 24/25 and here we are having showers and a high of 17!! Think your weather is more like ours than London, so get Woody's coat on!!!! 24 is too hot for me anyway, we are just not used to that! It was 22 today, out of the blue! Stay safe stay dry, no gardening in the rain!! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette

    It did occur to me that you meant the EU but I wasn't sure about Norway. I hope you didn't mind the gentle ribbing. 

    Poor Woody, he's still wrapped in black plastic and I'm worried about him getting smothered or at least sweating to death! 

    Yesterday we had 16 degrees and today the mercury may kiss the 17 mark if we're lucky but there'll be no blue skies.

    Take care and stay safe

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  •  Hi of course I don't mind the ribbing!! I just wanted you to know I've been to Norway and know where it is!!

    Huh! 17 you're lucky then, we had a Hi of 13 yesterday (Sat) pouring with rain and gales up to 70+mph and it looks like the same for tomorrow! We were meant to be at Crief Hydro Fri - Tue, maybe it's just as well we stayed home!! There's a positive in everything!!LOL!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette

    Thank goodness for that, I'd go back to the Norwegian fjords tomorrow, the scenery is fantastic. We have friends who used to go to the Crieff Hydro year after year. Alison the mother is Scottish and they used to go religiously every July.

    We had our share of the gales yesterday, made a bit of a mess of my large onions and poor Woody had the wire round his neck and it looked like he was lying drunk so he's now lying prostrate in the greenhouse. It's still very windy today so I'll not get much outside work done today.

    Take care everyone and stay safe. Not the bank holiday weekend we all want.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi We have been going to the Crief Hydro every May holiday weekend, this is the first one we have missed in 8 years!mseeing the weather though makes me feel a bit better at being home!! Saturday was our son in laws birthday and our son & wife's wedding anniversary so a double celebration & we are all usually at the Hydro for our meal!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!