• 17 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi Gang, I don't often start a discussion I usually reply to what's been said but I didn't want to hijack anyone's post!

Well yesterday I had booked a "speak to doctor" appointment with my GP. Of course it's not the same as being there face to face but I'm just so pleased I had that option at all, under the circumstances! Anyway, a few weeks ago I noticed a lesion on my leg when I came out of the shower. It wasn't very big so I had forgotten all about it until Saturday evening after my shower my husband asked me what's that on your leg? When I looked, it was much larger than before an had changed colour. Now as I was diagnosed with stage4 Malignant Melanoma originally, we both agreed I should speak to my doctor. He phoned at the agreed time and once I had explained the situation, he asked if I could take a few photos and send them to his email address. I then told him how much pain I had been in recently and that over the last week, I had only had a few hours sleep and the pain was getting quite unbearable. He said he'd speak to the Hospice Palliative Team and get back to me later!

I sent the photos and he phoned me again to let me know he was forwarding them to the Consultant Dermatologist who's clinic I usually attend every 6 months, although the last appointment had been postponed until further notice as there are no clinics on at the moment! He also said he had faxed a script to the local pharmacy and they will have the meds later today. (Wed). So there's a possibility I may not be on this site Wednesday night! Can you believe I might be actually asleep!!! Oh I do hope so! He will get back to me once he hears from the consultant, to see what happens next but nothing is simple these days!

I do know how lucky I am still to be here but I don't want to get back on the roller coaster, as I'm sure you will understand!

I wish you ALL a pain free night and hope you all enjoy the lovely day it's meant to be later! Stay Safe & Well! X

  • Sorry to hear about your pain.

    i wake up with headaches in the mornings and have tablets by my bed side I can take. They usually work OK and I go back to sleep. I do take them regularly throughout the day and it does help 

    love xxx


  • I also have a small,lesion on my liver but it gives me no symptoms and I am continuing with 6 monthly scans 

    in fact I delayed my scans another month until June tomavaoid going into the hospital 

    love Ruth xxx


  • Hi Gang, Well here I am once more at 1am! I took the tablet as instructed around 9.30pm but I was still awake around 3/4ish. Then I slept and woke in the afternoon! I don't want to sleep all day, I want to function! I've made up my mind only to use the meds when the pain gets too bad to cope with! I'm used to it now and can cope with quite a lot of pain but when it's night after night without sleep, that's when it gets to me! Well I did get to sleep and for a while and the pain seems a bit less tonight, so I will wait and take another one when I need it. Definitely not every night, I'd be like a zombie!   I'm pleased to hear you are not having any symptoms with the lesion on your liver, I think it's only because I have cirrhosis that they have brought me back to scans 3 monthly for a while!

    Who would have thought it....our running a sweat shop, I wonder what will be on the agenda for the weekend! She'll have her poor sister working her fingers to the bone!!! Lol! Sounds great! I wish someone would teach me crochet! I can knit, sew, make cards etc. I can do a long row of stitches in crochet but can't seem to get it right to turn the corner to make a square. I don't expect anyone will want a one stitch scarf, no matter how long I make it! I'm pleased to hear you are making progress Daloni! We need you here!

    I'm off now to do my jigsaws and then read my Kindle! Same as usual but at least now I know I can get a sleep if I really need it! Thanks again for your replies!

    Have a great weekend, stay safe, stay well!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • PS  After 1 nights sleep, I've lost the plot! When I was writing that post, I thought it was just after midnight on Friday morning but it turns out this is Friday morning at 1.54am!!! I've gained a day from somewhere!! Lol! Xx  just noticed the site clock is one hour behind! Maybe it wasn't forwarded one hour at the end of March!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Gang

    It seems quite a few of us are familiar with poor sleep and pain. At least we have each other. I am sorry things haven’t worked out as you hoped, Annette. I do agree though. The aim is to achieve as much of a normal life as possible and that’s not possible if we are zonked out. I have been exposed to illegal drugs at various points in my life and it was never something that attracted me. I don’t want to be “out of my head” because I like being in my head. I still feel the same now, even if the drugs I am being offered are legal. 

    As for my sweatshop, yes it is a bit of a running joke among my family and friends. Yesterday my sister and I made a wrap around skirt for me and a little strappy top for my niece. They are so pretty! I use African wax prints and they are very distinctive. My skirt is a deep, deep green/blue with large peach motifs. The top is black with a turquoise, white and pink swirly motif. 

    It was very enjoyable. We did everything slowly and gently with lots of tea breaks. I can feel how day by day I am able to do a bit more but without overdoing it. 

    But yes here I am awake again at 3am. I have woken through a veil of pain but not reached straight for my shot glass of oxynorm. And it’s ok. It’s settling. That’s a first. Now I wonder if sleep will evade me? 

    Night all 

  • Hi Annette 

    I noticed that the times didn't really make sense, I tried to work it out for a while and then gave it up and blamed it on the tablets. A few days ago when I took ill and had to go to bed, I asked my wife to remember to wake me up around 8 to take my tablets, which she did. I took them diligently of course but then I didn't know whether it was 8am or 8pm! Rather than call my wife and sheepishly ask whether it was morning or night, I set about working it out by the position of the sun. 

    I was rather proud of myself when I worked out that it was night time and confirmed it by switching the tv on and the programming was the evening schedule.

    Just going back to when I apologised for entering your convo with someone, I know everyone can enter any discussion, but I did so out of politeness. I would probably do the same again, Annette.

    Take care and keep safe

    Tvman xx

    PS I don't think the site clock ever gets changed, I've noticed that in other years. At least it's correct for 6 months of each year!

    Love life and family.
  • Hi So your sweatshop is famous, now that doesn't surprise me! I'm pleased you and your sister had another relaxing but productive day! Do you use a sewing machine or do everything by hand? I agree about these drugs, legal or illegal, I don't really want to take them. For me it's bad enough I take Morphogesit twice a day as well as the others for inflammation, BP, stomach etc. I really don't want to take anything at all. The last time I wanted to reduce Morphine based ones, I persevered for about 4 months before ending up in tears with the pain, so I was told I needed them and I would not become dependent on them. I'm not sure if that's true or not because I have not attempted reducing them since!

    Hi Now you mention it, I do remember us talking about the site clock before, I'm not sure why, like computers, mobiles etc, it doesn't automatically change! Oh I've done that before and not known if it is am or pm, it's a horrible feeling. I usually look at my mobile as it gives the day, date and time on the lock page! Clever you for using the sun going down!

    This time, I can say have a terrific weekend everyone, without overdoing it or you will regret it the next day! I should be telling that to myself also! Lol!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!