The Homecoming

  • 83 replies
  • 47 subscribers


I feel like it’s time to change the record. Thank you, my lovely friends, for the sympathy, the laughs and the silliness in the bad news discussion. But it’s time! I’ve got the green light from the consultant to go home. Onwards and upwards. 

The next steps for me are managing the transition in the pain control and getting some R&R. I expect a phone call from my consultant oncologist today to talk about a course of palliative chemo. It’s not something I’m looking forward to but if she believes it will bring more good than harm I’ll go with it. 

I’ll stop now. I’m very tired and poking thud tiny little phone keyboard is doing my head in 

 My love to you all. I wish you peace and comfort 


  • Hi Daloni

    Great news, you're getting home. I hope you stay much longer than you did the last time. Maybe we should start a campaign, one similar to our friend Kt at home only this one called KD at home. KEEP DALONI AT HOME Slight smile

    Hope you have a super meal tonight Daloni. 

    Keep well and stay safe

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Ha ! I had to read this twice , I was thinking what campaign, then I realised you meant me talking about my choice of name. You know the difference was I didn’t want to be at home. I’m hoping like you that Daloni has made it home, been welcomed by noodle the puppy and her daughters (not necessarily in that order) , and that lots of Daloni’s favourite foods are waiting there for her. 

      you relax for a bit if you can and soak in all the positiveness of being at home. I hope you’re able to do a bit of mindfulness with your favourite things around you, as it’s the next best thing to sleep I hear, and if you’re lucky you will drift off, showing those steroids who’s boss. Regaining strength to see the next plan through. 

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome


    I am still waiting.  I’ve seen the pharmacist so that’s one step forward. I’ve arranged a call tomorrow with my GP. And I’ve not had any breakthrough pain since 8am. It’s now 3.30pm. Hurray! Although I can start to feel it...give it half ah hour. 

    My oncologist hasn’t called either. I expect she’s busy. She starts a new job at Guys Hospital on May 1 so I imagine she’s run off her feet one way or another 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I promised myself I’d be patient. But around 5 pm it was starting to wear thin. I felt very sorry for the poor staff nurse who had to tell me, at 5:30 pm, that if we weren’t through by 6 pm I’ll be staying overnight.

    So imagine my joy when, at 5:45, I saw sister waving a plastic bag of tablets through my window. Pharmacy had come through with the controlled drugs and I could go! I even managed to sneak in a last slice of NHS meat pie with mash and gravy. I’m now just waiting for my daughter to arrive so that I can finally get home, get into my own bed and have a peaceful night sleep. 

    One happy bunny signing off

  • Hi KT

    I was making a point about the name I had given Daloni rhymed nicely with hours, it just jumped out at me. Thanks for taking it in good humour KT. Unfortunately Daloni is still in hospital at time of writing.

    Take care and keep safe KT

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • No, she's on her way home now.

    Slight smile Slight smile


    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni, I hope you had a good trip home and there was chocolate waiting for you when you arrived. Sleep well tonight; nothing beats a night in your own bed.

    All the best. ... Michele xx

  • Hi  I hope your in bed by now and have had lots of hugs! That's the best medicine you can get! Take Care 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv


    yes I am in my own bed. My little one changed my bedding so I have that lovely new bedding feel and smell. My sister made pork schnitzels with mash potato and broccoli.

    I am struggling to feel normal because I don’t feel at all normal. I feel I’ve gone into a very strange place, physically and mentally. I need to find a way back into the same room as everyone else in the house, as it were.  I think I need to stop thinking. That would help immensely. 

  • Very glad you're home and in bed, and I'm hoping the steroid faerie stays away from the sleep button tonight! 

    Random question, any mashed potato left? 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.