Keytruda and it’s effects

  • 15 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hi, I am due to start this immunotherapy on 7 May and would like to know what experience people have had with it. I am stage 4 nsclc and this will be my fourth line treatment.


Pollyalison xx

  • Hi, I started at the end of Jan 2020 on 3 week doses and then moved to 6 weeks, die to Covid, for Stage 4 metatastic melanoma. I have had no side effects though I am high risk of my Coltis flaring up again. So far its working and initially shrunk my 2 tumours and my last scan a few weeks ago showed they are stable and no new Tumours. I've a few stomach problems which may or may not be relatd to this, but I was in very good health throughout Lockdown. Please let us know how you get on. 

  • Hi, I was doing great on Prem, but following my 6th dose Ive appeared to have developed an intolerance to Glutten. It looks and feels very much like my Colitis (Historic pre Cancer) and I have also tested negative for Coeliac. My GF diet appears to be working and I've come across a couple of papers on this. Hope you continue to feel well.

  • FormerMember

    Hello everyone,

    I hope you don't mind me joining your group and it looks like not many replies recently but thought I would check in. 

    I was diagnosed with primary oesphageal cancer in March 2020 after a misdiagnosis in October of Glubs and reflux and then also told on the same fateful day that I had spots in my lungs and was possibly in my pelvis as well (bone). They don't mention the bone anymore. So I had 5 cycles of chemo but have pushed for Immunotherapy all the way as have heard such good things about it. At first I was slammed down by the NHS but then an Early Access Scheme Medicine Scheme came up for Squamous Cell Oesphaageal Carcinoma and miraculously I am now on that after 10 sessions of radiotherapy as chemo stopped working. The immunotherapy I am on (only had two sessions) is Nivolumab. I just wondered if anyone had heard anything about this. I know immunotherapy treatment for oespahgus cancer is very new but I want to live so trying anything and so far so good.... I Hope. 

  • Hi, Nivolumab is one of the three ICIs (Immune Chekpoint Inhibitors) used in the UK. I am using Prembiluzimab and can only comment about that one. My cancer doesnt respond to any traditional treatments and this Immunotherapy has extended my life (from months to a few years). Your Oncologist and hopefully your local MacMillan team will provide support and Info for you. I have had very few side effects on mine and can honestly say it has changed my life since my Diagnosis. I hope your treatment goes well. PS the drug companies are spending Billions on ICI's as this is seen as the new way to treat cancer.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kdon24

    Hello Kdon24

    Thank you so much for this feedback. I am really hopeful. Keytruda was mentioned to me by a friend initially but it has been such a fight to even get on this scheme, I am just happy to go with whatever they offer and Nivolumab was it. I know they are spending a lot of monies of ICI's (now know that acronym thanks to your feedback) and I really hope I follow in your footsteps. It's all pioneering stuff and lets hope it tackles this awful disease. 
