It's not all bad

  • 15 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi I just wanted to say that I had a very good experience yesterday after being really quite worried about it. 

I had to go for a scan and because I have to have a cannula in my foot rather than my arm it meant I had to go to two different areas of the hospital and travel the whole length in between. I was imagining all sorts of things and having to dodge the dreaded virus at every turn. 

The hospital was almost empty of patients and visitors when we arrived and there were staff everywhere. So no one was waiting to be seen and we had a whole waiting room to ourselves. Unfortunately someone forgot to pass on we had arrived so we did wait ages but once my husband chased it they apologised and said they had been expecting us. 

We then went through the corridors and lifts to the scanner and only saw staff again as they chatted and took time out. We were the only ones in the scanner area and as I have a cough I was quickly given a mask. 

I know that some areas of the hospital will have been very busy but because they have cancelled so many appointments, treatment and surgery and staff are still working some areas are operating much better as they have fewer patients and more staff. 

They are also much better at spotting any issues that could be virus related and more protective clothing etc is in use. 

So if you do have to go to the hospital don't be too worried I did feel quite safe and if I am able to get my treatment restarted I would have no worries about going again. 

Thinking of you all as we travel to his road together. 

  • Hi

    Your elder daughter has probably been thinking of nothing else and she's put her hand up in an apology. Won't be long until she returns and there'll be a few tears, I'd guess. 

    Take care, Daloni, enjoy the sunshine and the delights of nature.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Managed to get hold of my oncologists secretary this morning and they have agreed I can pick up the bone injections so have dispatched hubby to get them and rang Palliative in Care Nurse to let her know. Hopefully will get district nurse set up soon and get them going again as it has been a 3 month break. 

    I also asked if my scan results were back from last week and was surprised to hear they were but the oncologist had not seen them yet. So hopefully they will be given to me soon also. 

    Breathing not good today but it is a lovely day for sitting out and I am fine if I don't move. Otherwise literally I cough till every muscle and sphinxter in my body gives ways not a pretty sight and so embarrassing. The things our family have to endure. 

    My good friend and neighbour fell yesterday and broke a vertebrae she was taken to hospital still trying to smile but was obviously in agony. She has her own son and 6 grand children to look after and still finds time to help others. I feel so bad at not being able to help due to this lockdown as I would have normally had the 3 youngest ones here and at least provided meals to help out. They sent her home telling her she would be safer there and telling her to rest. Easier said than done in the circumstances. I just found out you can still order takeaway on line so perhaps I could do that. 

    My other friend just rang to say her mother in law passed away in the night. They are having a nightmare today getting hold of people to sort things out re a funeral. 

    So many people are having such difficult times. Sometimes it's easy to forget that when you are suffering yourself. 

    Hope there's enough positives in your journeys at present to get you through the day and hopefully feel a little better on the way. 

    Love and hugs in the isolation 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    You are right. So many people are suffering so much right now. And it is easy to forget that sometimes. Do you know who I think of when I remember there are people worse off than me when I’m tempted to have a pity party? It’s you. It’s been such a tough time for you and while you’ve mentioned some small victories here, you’re still managing to smile as you write about the consequences of doing anything other than sit still. I take my hat off to you. 

    Lots of love xxx

  • Hi

    I take my hat off to you, you have had life really tough for a few years and yet you're wanting to help others. For me, if I can bring a smile to someone's face by doing something for them then I'm happy. I know that it's frustrating for you when you can't help out your good friend because of the the lockdown. You're right that we tend to forget that we are so ill when we try to make a friend happy and there are people who are hypochondriacs and also ones who swing the lead and haven't hardly worked a day in their lives and we know so many people who have worked hard and now have such serious illnesses to contend with.

    I used to grow tomato plants and lettuce, and quite a lot more for friends, customers, cooks and care home staff. You mentioned your son worked nights for many years. I worked nights for 35 nights, driving around town during the night, no one apart from my assistant to chat with until I went to schools, cafes and nursing homes among others after 6.30 am. I had many good friends, I was given food and coffee and tea and scones etc and could have finished maybe an hour or so earlier but I liked to chat too much!

    I'm really so sorry to hear how ill you are because you, and many others here are the salt of the earth. It's a pleasure and a privilege to know you all Life can be cruel but hey, we always find something to make us happy. 

    Gardening makes me happy but yesterday I've done too much, similar to Annette! My joints are aching, I don't know how many times I woke up last night because of pain. I was digging trenches to partly bury decking planks at the bottom of a raised bed so that it will be level. Then if I water it or it rains, the water doesn't run down to one corner. There's a tip for everyone Slight smile

    Take care everyone and stay safe.


    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Thanks TV man for you kindness

     That garden is well loved and from the photos a great credit to you. 

    I hope you know how much good you do here on this site. The great thing about people is their honesty and compassion as people relate to each other. Even when some think a line has been crossed and can take offence those that have travelled for a while know people want to help each other or we would not be here. 

    I hope to be around for a while yet but it is a struggle at times. 

    Yesterday I spent ages getting affairs in order I don't have a lot but it was not an easy task emotionally or clericaly with the shut down and as you say every penny was hard earned and it seems so final. However I am on a mission to make things as easy as possible for those left behind my daughter calls it micro managing. She also points out that her brother is a lost cause to common sense and persuasion so I might as well save my breath but he will get there in his own time. By next week I will be extremely skint but hopefully liberated. 

    I was suddenly hit with a thought last night what if I actually have had the Corona virus for the past 3 months and I recover. Then they discover the Cancer is treatable again. Nice dream eh,  then those joint accounts will be getting raided. 

    Just about to check in on my friends to see if we need a takeaway run this evening for one lot and if any progress re a funeral for the others mum has been made. 

    Though times for all but we have to keep going best we can whilst not pushing ourselves to the point of collapse, you gardeners. 
