Really upset regarding some people posting some guidances

  • 12 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi I know we arw here to support to each other but sharing links for guidances saying that cancer patients will be putnin to groups regarding priorities who gets treatment or not or putting guidances regarding who gets the ventilators or i find it very upsetting and depressing.Like I have to dig my own grave?Why?Maybe i have stage 4 cancer bur chemo works and I do believe I can live long life but this "optimistic" links can demotivate and upset people.

Maybe some people are ready for the destiny but many.still wants to fight.Dont take the fight sprit away with this guidances please.

  • Hi Daloni

    I just wanted to say that the information I have gleaned from you personally and from this group has been invaluable.    The details given had prewarned me on what was likely to happen and helped tremendously when my Oncologist telephoned me.     I was taken off my cancer medication, told not to go to hospital for blood tests or scans as if I caught the virus I would probably die.     He told me I would not be a candidate for ventilation.    If I had not been prewarned I would in all honesty have fallen apart, but I am now able to see that this is the best action in my circumstances and I am taking all the advice I was given.    Like Anndanv I believe in forewarned is forearmed - I was once a member of the Observer Corps and this was their motto!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Patti48


    Gosh. Well I’m glad that forewarned was, in your case, forearmed so I’m glad the information you found here helped. But my goodness what a thing to help you with. I can’t help thinking that however awful it must be to hear news like this, it must be equally as hard to be the doctor who has to break news like this. It’s not what they trained for or get up in the morning to do.