Chemo delays and prioritizing patients

  • 64 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hello everybody I went to hospital today to have a Picc care and I have askes the nurse what is true about chemos beeing delayes.I have read a guidence from NHS which is putting the cancer patient in to 5 "categories"and seems we incurable have been dumped.I am on chemo break now but since yesterday I cant stop crying.Nurse told me its true some treaments beeing delayed.Apparently i should expect.the call regarding the treatment plan because also my hospital the chemo unit is moving to a different hospital because they need beds

I can't stop beeing upset i was having good outlook.This is awful.I dont want to stop the treatment I take the risk with the virus.

I dont know what to do?Should I ask to be transferred to a specialist cancer hospital?

I dont know whats going to happen but I am already in stress.This is not right

I feel like now all the incurable patients going to be dumped by NHS.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Thank you - that’s really interesting information. I am sorry you find yourself on the wrong side of the deadline. It must all feel like too little too late Cry


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I'm sorry too

    As you say, hard to hear but makes sense in these extraordinary circumstances.

    I was half expecting a scan on Fri and chemo yesterday to be cancelled, so feel very lucky that both went ahead. 

    At the moment I've been reassured that the plan is to carry on. The 2 chemo sessions that were postponed around our Easter holiday are back in the diary as the holiday is cancelled. Lots of additional social distancing/cleaning measures etc are in place and so far compliance amongst patients & visitors appears good. Plans to move the chemo unit from the main hospital site, a huge undertaking, are on hold for now.

    Having said that, 2 hours before my appt the nursing staff were issued with masks to provide added protection to the patients.There are only enough for 1 per shift, so there were times when the masks were pulled down under chins or carried about, both of which increase the risk of infection to the person wearing the mask.

    The nurses were asking us about our concerns, and I asked them how they were feeling. One of them said she would rather not be there. She's the only one of her family and extended family to be working, and her children hate it.

    She said, "at what point do I put them first?"


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi All,

    just want to give you an update on my telephone consultation today........

    i was given a choice, asked what I wanted to do.  Chemo is still being offered (I am in Scotland).  I am taking my next dose as I have only had 2 already of the 12 I need. 
    I realise the risks but I want to give this my best shot and I am grateful that I am being given this opportunity under the current circumstances.

    The hospital is a different one from where I have received my previous chemo.  
    My PICC line dressings will now take place every 2 weeks when I receive the chemo to cut down on the visits to clinic/hospital.  

    The doctor I spoke with today was very thorough, in fact phoned me back half a dozen times to answer my questions and to ensure everything was in place for me to receive my treatment.

    I think every region will be different and I really hope everyone who wants to continue with their treatment gets to do so. I am sorry and sad if that is not the case for everyone.

    very best wishes to all of you xx

  • hi All, i happen to live in the HOT SPOT Wolverhampton and its a nightmare. Even Boris Johnson thanked our hospital today in the house of lords.  We are not getting the help and support like the rest of you as they are under so much pressure we can only hope we can get through this, i don,t think i will, and i will be a victim of corona virus because i can not get any treatment  i  need to help me fight this cancer. If i am around in a few months keep in touch Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to wino

    Hi Wino please don’t give up I know it’s hard but things change.please stay in touch there is always someone on here who can give good advice and your not on your own.x

  • Dear wino

    We are here for you. Please try not to worry. It's a changing situation. Be kind to yourself. Sending you courage xx

    Flowerlady x
  • Hello wino, 

    I think we are a couple of weeks from seeing some positive reaction to the government's measures. A couple of weeks must seem like forever to you but it's not. Of course you feel distraught at your circumstances but take some heart from your friends here who feel your troubles as if they were their own and are sending their strength to you to help you through. You will make it out the other side.

  • Peggy24    Thank you for your support, i am trying my best to stay calm, its the lovely people on this site that help so much Xx         

  • Dear flowerlady            Thank you for your support i appreciate it.Xx

  • Hello Norberry,                                                                                                                                                                                          Thank you i hope you are right,i am usually a positive person but this has thrown a spanner into the works.I will listen to my friends online as i know they understand better than most. Again thank you Xx