Moving on

  • 15 replies
  • 46 subscribers

I took some time to decide whether or not to join thus group.  I have metastatic prostrate cancer in my ribs. Just finished chemo slowly rerurning to some kind of normality. Just learning how to move on. The cancer is still there managed by hormone therapy, until it becomes resistant, there are other treatments but no cure. Struggling to know how to live whilst being as healthy as I'll be.  I almost feel a fake in that it could be managed for a great number of years hopefully but things like changing my car brings uncertainty as to what I'll need in the future. Almost ruining the joy of a new car. How have people best found adapting to this new situation and making plans for more than today knowing that next year cannot be taken for granted.

  • Hi anndanv                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   I have just read your post,and want to say thank you Xx

  • Hi   Great to meet you, although sorry it has to be here!  I don’t believe we have “chatted” before. It was very nice of you to reply to say thank you but if I’m honest, I’m not really sure what you are thanking me for are welcome!!!

    I do hope you have a sense of humour if I tell you I misread your name as wine-o, phew, I nearly replied spelling it that way!!! Hope you are doing ok, I read your Profile page before writing this and would like to wish you luck for your upcoming scan! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi anndanv  Thanks for the reply, i can now see what you mean by what are you thanking me for.I was getting ready for work and decided to quickly see how everybody was on this site. I had had a bad night with all the worrying and stress of my upcoming scans i wanted to see some positive messages.I read your reply to the post before and all the things you said were exactly what i needed to hear (so thanks again) I went to work with a different attitude that day. I read your profile and you are very positive and strong i can only hope i handle it as well as you if my diagnosis is what i am convinced it will be.                                                                                                                                                                                                     I have been told i have a good sense of humour,its hanging by a thread at the moment though, but little things do make me smile so all,s not lost.Take care Xx                                                                                                                                                                                        

  • Hi I'm so pleased one of my posts helped one person, it makes it all worthwhile! I don't think I've handled things as well as you think I have! If you had seen the mess I made of the first Christmas after dx thinking it was my last one and wanted everything to be just perfect and everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. I'm just so glad it wasn't my last Christmas! I'll give you a laugh by telling you just one of the things I did!

    I thought because I wasn't well enough to do a big shop I would order online for the first time! Problem was, I had order delivery for Christmas Eve in the morning between 8&9am, when it didn't arrive, I phoned the store. The guy told me I had ticked the box for delivery as New Years Eve, not Christmas Eve!!! So you can imagine the panic to get to the shops & buy what they had left!! Since then, ive never shopped online!! You've just got to have a sense of humour to cope, if not you'd just cry!

    Bye the way scanxiety is normal! We all get it but it won't change the results of the scans! Thanks again!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi anndanv   thank you for making me laugh with your Christmas story,its something i would do.I bet there was hardly anything left to buy, very funny.