
  • 33 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi, I was due to start chemo on Monday 17th Feb, for 2 cycles, then another two with targeted radiotherapy for 6 weeks. However, that all changed. As lung cancer now in lymph nodes and bone so went from intent to cure to incurable. They have given me a year... On Monday started on immunotherapy, from Wednesday Onwards I have slept most of the day and night only waking to eat, pee or take meds. Gp put me on morphine tablets on Wednesday for back pain (not cancer related, reckon it's tension). Not sure if I feel so sluggish due to immunotherapy or morphine. Any of you guys got experience of either?  X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi, Sorry to hear you're in hospital & in so much pain. I hope they can find out what is causing it & relieve the pain soon. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi to everyone who has replied to my initial thread, I got home late last night with a host of new meds. MRI discovered cancer is in my back as well and has probably been there from the very start of all this even before lung cancer confirmed, they reckon it's come through lung and attached to T1 to T4 vertebrae and C5... Whatever that means, doesn't and wouldn't have changed prognosis at all, it just means the palliative pain people could have got pain under control earlier. Got 2 blood transfusions while I was in too as iron was low and to give me a boost. Feel tonnes better and have a very happy German Shepherd cuddled into me. Think it's been worse for hubby to see me so ill/weak, writhing in pain and constant tears, scared the hell out of him so he's also a bit more settled now. He's coming with me to local Macmillan group tomorrow for pancakes and tea, hopefully that will be of benefit to him too. Thank you all so much for support xx

  • , i'm glad you're feeling better now. May i ask a question? Do you have anything in place for your Dog if something happens to you? As my dog was the same, i did organise all. But sadly she passed last Nov.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Pet1968

    Hi Gsd

    That sounds altogether more satisfactory. I do hope you can get on top of the pain. In my experience it can take about 48 hours to know whether new pain meds are at the right level. 

    Just as an aside, I found out something interesting this week - that low haemoglobin can be linked to depression and anxiety. I found this fascinating. It might help explain why chemo is so depressing. 

    I hope you can settle back into some good recuperation time now 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Pet1968

    Hi PET, I haven't organised anything yet for my big cuddly boy, my hubby is here, so I'm hoping when the time comes, he will settle eventually. I'm sure he knows I'm not well, as he is very boisteroHeart eyesto say the least, but very gentle around me... Unless it's walk or treat time, then I'm afraid I'm at the bottom of his priorities! Lol. He's my best friend in the world and listens to all my woes.Heart eyes wondered about getting him a playmate but not sure I'd cope with a puppy at the moment and that's a huge burden to put on my hubby, plus I think Riley would be distraught at the thought of having tHeart eyesshare me... He's a big softy Heart eyes tried putting emoji after softy and it's filled the page with them, too tired to try and work out why that happened or how to get rid of them. Hope it makes sense though. Xx

  • Yes they give us so much love back....My Heidi would have not liked to share me ether lol. So she was the princess Slight smile

    Hope you're feeling better soon, Pet

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Pet1968

    Hi gsd rule, So glad you have found out what was causing the pain although it must have been a shock to find out it has spread to your spine. I hope the pain is under control soon for you. I have ongoing sciatic pain that is helped with oxycodone and paracetamol but before it was under control i was very down. Hope you feel better soon. Lynn 2 x

  • Hi Gsd I was diagnosed with incurable & inoperable  NSCLC - Mets lymph nodes in 2018. My treatment has been a combination of chemo & immunotherapy for over a year, now I’m on immunotherapy only & feeling good! Sending best wishes your way x Lila

    #livingwithcancer #lovinglife
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lilie

    Dear GSD

    Sorry to hear to hear this. T1 - T4 is the top of your spine and C1 is the bottom of your neck.

    Painkillers help, but for me I also found heat helps too.... (mine was nerve pain mostly). So something like a microwavable wheat bag is good. Or a hot water bottle (whilst being very careful to protect your skin) might help a little.

    I am glad hubby and doggy are surrounding you gently with love 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you all for replies, I have been doing as you suggest Gina with hot bottles and heat packs, I also have a pain patch in place and on a cocktail of meds. I feel good in the day, but really dread the night time as I'm awake all night in pain and I cannot find anything that helps. I could cry all night long. Got a big V pillow thing to see if it helps, it didn't. I will literally try anything xx