Struggling to get symptoms under control

  • 15 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hi folks 

Unfortunately I was admitted again to hospital last night. 

I am finding things very confusing I know things are not often straight forward with cancer but I think that because i seem to have 2 possibly unrelated things going on I am not moving forward as usual. There is also the new thing where medics are saying that because I have been fighting the cancer a long time my resistance is not good anymore. 

However I do feel that this is a simple case of me having just caught an infection and need fluids and anti biotics then back home but because I saw different specialist that seems to have got lost along the way. The pain has racked up this time and I know I have been lucky up to now with this. Last night I was told cancer is painful. 

I am really unsure what is classed as bad pain by the medics and I find myself saying no when asked if I am in pain . I am getting severe but short bouts of pain mainly and I have no idea what can be done for pain. 

At least I am not neutropenic this time. 

Looking forward to escaping again soon but might have to try and get some more information from someone about the future as I seem to be getting some strange comments when admitted now. 

Not sure if I am imagining it but in the past IV fluids and antibiotics were up in next to no time but in A&E it took 12 hours yesterday and long times are left between. 

Noticed lots going on in the community lately and I am still very much appreciative of having this available at times like this. 

  • Hi Maz!

    I can't understand that you are just lying there in Hospital and they don't do anything to find out what's wrong, and you can't be seen by palliative care for pain meds. Sorry, but that's not right!

    I really hope you could go back to a lovely sleep ( without light i hope )

    Wish you all the best, Pet

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Pet1968

    Hi Maz

    I am so sorry to hear you’re back in hospital. I didn’t catch up with the community news yesterday because I had a daughter off school with a tummy bug. 

    I don’t know what to say about the confusion that seems to surround you. I just want to send you a big hug and crossed fingers for a quick return home 


  • Hi Maz

    You're having a time of it, aren't you? I'm dismayed to hear that you are having bad pain and the staff can only give you paracetamol but at least it's dulling it a little. Hopefully the palliative care team will be round soon to get you what you need. You won't be in any rush to move away from the ward you're in will you? When you get nice staff who treat you respectfully, as they should, you appreciate them all the more, and there's no light shining directly in your eyes to keep you awake!

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having episodes of rigors, (had to look that one up), accompanied by severe pain when you coughed whilst your sister in law was visiting. At least she's taken the time to see you, and she's giving compliments out freely so she's got to get brownie points for that, yeah? Send her round to see me please lol Slight smile

    Thanks for your concern Maz, re my blood, very much appreciated. I didn't get a phone call from the hospital on Monday night but I don't know if they ring if they have already told me the week before. They rang last week because my haemaglobin was less than 100. However, I had a phone call yesterday (Tuesday) morning from my gp's receptionist, to tell me that it is 100. Neutropenia is neutrophils below 1, my number is 1.05, just scraped it! I'll feel more confident now next Monday when a little 3½ year old is on my knee, germs bouncing around him! Oh, the receptionist chucked in a couple of strange ones - blood sugar level is a little outside the norm and in two months I have to have another thyroid function test. Both of them are new ones to me.

    You're like me, losing track of time, last night at 11.15 my wife woke me as she was coming to bed and I didn't know what day it was or whether it was morning or night. I plumped for Saturday, 11.15 am, how wrong I was, but I didn't get up and get washed! You get the better of me there Maz.

    Hope you can get on top of that pain Maz and can get home to your own comfy bed and surroundings asap.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Horray for the bloods 

    Mine are still managing to stay over the magic 1 which is a real bonus as they are pretty sure this is an infection. 

    I think the medics have got it right now with pluercy so hopefully what they are pumping in will sort it. 

    The scan is apparently what they want so hopefully today I will make it through those doors. At least today I know they have the right cannula in. Being sent back 3 times for the wrong one and not being able to persuade anyone to change it was getting me down. 

    Looking for positives I have managed to loose a few kilos over the last 10 days. Only time I managed that before was when I was on big chemo and threw up constantly. My daughter however will want the flesh back on my bones next week she always thinks I fight better on a full stomach. 

    Weather here seems a bit better today so hopefully people will be safer on those roads. 

    My grandchildren are excited as it is a school disco today. The little girl has already rang to tell me what she is going to wear. My daughter says it is not till 3.30 but they will have no chance of getting any work out of her and poss others before then. School might have to think about 9 am discos. 

    Hopefully I and others will be nearer answers today. 

    Thanks to you all

  • Oh

    You've been through so much for what feels like such a long time. It must have been over whelming at times.

    I hope things are finally looking up for you.

    Amazing, really, and inspiring  that you're already looking for positives. I hope the disco lives up to expectation!

    The very, very best of luck with your family plans for half term, we will all send positive vibes your way and have everything crossed for you.


    Every bad situation is a blues song waiting to happen.
    Amy Winehouse.