Help, I need advice please.

  • 11 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi there, I am looking for some advice.....not sure this is the best time to ask while everything is kicking off but I need the advice now.

i have just had 2 cycles of Carbo/caelyx chemo which totally wiped me out and gave me no quality of life.  I got my scan results back yesterday and my cancer has progressed significantly, in old terms they would say I am “riddled” lots of tumours in my abdomen and around my liver and working it’s way through my lymph nodes.  But it’s not in any major organs. So I am stopping this current chemo.

My consultant offered me weekly taxol and avastin as a treatment option but also gently said, we can stop treatment if you like.  
I feel a bit beaten.....I don’t know how to decide what to do.  Has anyone else been in this situation and how did they decide? I’ve been treated for this kind of cancer for 2 years and it seems to be winning.  
I don’t have kids but I do have a nice life (before this).....I’m 49, I would like more time but not more chemo! I’ve had a second opinion and it was the same treatment option (actually I am lucky to be offered it!).
if anyone has any wise advice I would greatly appreciate it. Love heather xxx

  • FormerMember

    Roobard wot can we say. I know at the end of the day it's up 2 the individual 2 decide but we all need a little help/advice.

    I've never said "no" yet 2 any of my chemos & I'm currently on my 8th or 9th regime. However, I know my dear Onc is running out of options 4 me. Indeed I wasn't expecting 2 get this one I'm on as he'd thought he'd exhausted everything. 

    I'm greedy & whilst the body can cope with any side effects I'll keep going. I've got my goal at the end of June 2 get 2. Sometimes it feels I might not get there (alien fungating boob wound is mighty bleurghh) but trying 2 b optimistic.

    U have 2 do wots best 4 u & u'll have heard quality over quantity many times. Wotever u decide ur pals r here as a sounding board.

    Take care hun

    WB xx