Favourite Food Steroids

  • 22 replies
  • 43 subscribers

The joy of those pesky steroids that I've moaned about 4 so long is I have a v healthy appetite at the moment - feel like Pac Man sometimes.

With being off work as well I've had the time & inclination 2 cook from scratch most days   - dear husband is amazed (& delighted).

2nite I made the most tasty risotto - sitting now with a smile on my face & a v rounded tum. It's the little things that give us pleasure. The receipe is in my go 2 receipe book that I've told hubbie 2 hold on 2 scribbled on an envelope.

Wot food makes ur day?

WB xx

  • Hi WB!

    I have to say when i was on steroids, i did not cook, it was taking to long. I had to have food now and then. I ate like i'm pregnant. Just odd stuff, like crackers and gurkens  , and all staff with garlic or so. It had to be tasty but i didn't care what it was lol.

    Luckily i only had to be on them for 3 Months after Brain surgery..i would be a giant now.

    Best wishes, Pet

  • Never been on steroids, thank god and touch wood. Pretty sure I'd be spherical the way my luck and metabolism goes! 

    But my go to comfort food is def macaroni cheese at the moment. Whenever I need that warming food hug, I reach for the macaroni cheese. Or cauliflower cheese. At the moment it's a ready meal job, but in the past I'd have made it myself. 

    Though in saying that.... The reason I'm quite so splatted at the minute is because today I've made 3 coconut and mango cakes, one coconut and lime cake, and mango and passionfruit jam. Tomorrow I need to make a mango and orange drizzle, a coconut caramel, and 3 different types of icing. Got a couple of friends coming round tomorrow night for a cake tasting so they can pick the first of their three wedding cakes. Need to do another of these tastings to find a chocolate and nut cake, and another to find a marbled summer Berry cake. 

    I'm insane. Where's my morphine..... 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Oh go u Lass! Cake! And each one sounds de--lish. U either love or hate coconut & I love it....mouth is watering with all those flavours. 

    When we got hitched it was traditional fruit cake (bleughhhhhh), we could have replaced one of the 3 tiers with a sponge cake but baker was gonna charge us the same price regardless & us being Scots....so I only ate the icing & the marzipan. 

    As 4 mac cheese - I love cheese. I love pasta but have horrible memories of the two 2gether over 30 years ago & haven't bn able 2 face it since.

    Drooling thinking about ur cakes- smile on my face 2nite

    WB xx

  • Bottom one is a coconut sponge with a good amount of mango puree in it. Second one up is a cream cheese and coconut sponge with a bit of mango puree in it. Third one up is a coconut cake with chunks of mango in it. Top one is a golden caster sugar, coconut and lime cake. 

    Mango and passionfruit jam.

    And I know what you mean about minging mac and cheese 30 tears ago. I used to HATE cheese sauce as a kid. I'd cry when mum said it was cauli cheese or mac and cheese for tea. Now, can't get enough of it!

    I do make a good, lighter fruit cake with a crispy sugar top. And marzipan, can't get enough of it! Lol. However I hate fondant and royal icing! As for costs, I'm keeping track of ingredient costs. I'm not going to charge them time or skill, and I'm going to knock off an amount from the costs as a wedding gift to them. So if I go over that amount, that's all they'll pay for cake for 150 people. So should be a damn good deal! Lol



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Drool. Looks lush.

    2day has gone smoothly if we 4get about the rubbish night's sleep. Bloods at 1st attempt (did have 2 heat pads stuffed down a tubigrip on the good arm). Dressings changed & not overly painful. Remains of y'day risotto in my tummy. Washing machine whirling. Box of flowers arrived from my daughter (company sent a free replacement after the disappointing bunch that arrived 4 my b'day, dying within 2 days 2bh)

    And soon 2 b whisked away 4 a coffee date with a pal - about 25 years age difference between us but she's a hoot - retired teacher & fellow C patient who has 100s of stories 2 tell.

    Take care u cake temptress & dont over do it

    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh my goodness!!! Foody food food lol. There's so much lovely food on this post Joy.

    I'm bloated from steroids at the moment but I'm trying to be good. So I'm measuring out the pasta/rice/pots to control those carbs but to be honest I am still pilling on the pounds. 

    WB I've been cooking from scratch too. Made a salmon risotto last night. Gorgeous and healthy. Doesn't matter though, I'll put on half a stone by next weigh in lol.

    Those cakes Lass look blooming amazing Heart eyes. What a collection! Put on 3lb just looking at those.

    Well it's teatime so I'd better go and stuff the cushion Yum

    Happy cooking campers!

    Fishy Fish xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I’ve been off the site for a few days and I’m just catching up with all the news and comments. So far, I’ve not felt I had anything to add but then this. Gosh your cakes look great, . I can almost smell them from here. But it’s the recipe for the mango and passion fruit jam that I’d really like to lay my hands on. 

    I am just back to cooking from scratch after months of not having had the strength. The ready meals on offer these days are so good but somehow not quite the same as home cooking. Last night I made a cracking risotto with tender stem broccoli and pine nuts. I do love a good risotto no matter how simple the ingredients. As long as there’s proper rice, wine, a good stock, Parmesan and butter involved them I’m a happy bunny. A friend rang as I got the pan on the go so I plugged in the ear phones and chatted to her as I gently stirred the rice into creamy gorgeousness. 

    Next up I’m going to explore the recipes in a cookbook I was given for my birthday in January. It’s Marcus Wareing’s New Classics and there are some mouthwatering ideas in there. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Could I have the recipe for the cracking risotto please? It sounds delicious.

    I'm also getting back into cooking and venturing into baking. The baking was kickstarted by

    I'm not in her league but we went to a Christmas market in Leeds and I bought a couple of 'cakes in a bottle' which were a big hit.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I do love this thread as I am currently struggling with chemo nausea so have lost a stone.....but just maybe maybe starting to think about food again......so thank you for letting me share in all thGrinninglovely recipes and baking......mmmmmmm Grinning

  • I received a Nigel Slater book about veg - it's really interesting. How to make veg more exciting. Also have a one dish book, The Green Roasting Tin, everything goes in one pot. There is a meaty version too. Really easy.

    Happy cooking


    Flowerlady x