Bad news again

  • 22 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi all

Had my blood taken by the competent nurse at the surgery today, well maybe I should say more experienced nurse. It's for something to do with a memory test like the one you would get from a GP for beginning of dementia. She (my GP) says that before I see them, they like to have certain blood tests and ECG done. Yes, I've started to have memory problems.

Phone rang a short while ago, it was a doctor from the hospital where my blood went for testing. My haemaglobin level is below 100, it's at 97. Could be worse but the doctor said they have to let people know that it's below 100 in case of lightheadedness. 

He also said that I'm neutropenic again and if I become feverish or get an infection I have to ring the hospital  emergency number I was given in early December. I'm worried, this is new to me. Being neutropenic.


  • FormerMember

    TVman,I am sorry that your blood work wasn't better. Sometimes mine is such that I am confused, and daren't walk without a hold on something. I quit working with children when advised that due to the low white blood cell count I had to be careful of infections (so many sneezes and coughs on classroom.) Now I have an unreliable memory and little energy anyway.

    Am most sorry that you are worried. Anxiety is the worst thing about this disease and about the scans and tests.

    Thinking of you and wishing you peace.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi  sorry to hear about your blood results. Mine have been neutropenic from chemo and I always avoided crowds, ate food as if I was pregnant (no shellfish, pate etc) and tried to avoid any snivelles......if you have not got a good thermometer, buy one and check your temperature each day, as sometimes an infection can start without you realising.  And I washed my hands a lot.

    oh and I currently have anaemia and find it makes me slow of thought, could it be that causing the memory problems?

    anyway I hope you are feeling ok, I was really sorry to hear your news and am sending a big hug from here in Scotland in the hope it makes you feel better xxxx

  • Hi

    Not sure where to start here. Just kidding, feeling cosy thanks to your big hug Slight smile You're from Scotland? If I heard that before, I've forgotten, and if I have I'm sorry because I love Scotland. I have been in just about every region, my son lives in Aberdeen but because he's doing a PhD we just can't turn up, because he may be off somewhere to do with his studies, or he's just too busy studying. The Scottish and the Northern Irish always get on well with each other. 

    I have had anaemia for about 20 years that I know of, my MCV (mean corpuscular volume) has been high. I've had pernicious anaemia for years. 

    The hospital gave me a thermometer in December which I was first neutropenic. Then 4 weeks later at next bloods, I was ok, just. Now I'm back in. My bone marrow is failing. I'm not ready for this. I always wash my hands, I was brought up that way.

    Thanks for your support, Roobarb, I appreciate it a lot.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    I’m in East Lothian a beautiful county by the sea just outside Edinburgh.

    i hope they fix your failing bone marrow (I don’t know if that’s possible) so we have a good length of time with your wisdom on here Slight smile

  • FormerMember

    Oh b careful Tvman with the neutropenic bit. As the others have advised keep an eye on that temp & any other shivers etc. 

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed 2morrow that a)nurse can get blood out of me & b)my platelets have risen & c)nothing else goes pear shaped.

    The doctor's waiting room is the worst place 4 us 2 b with all those poorly cough cough people...

    Had a whole night's sleep last in ages (apart from when the stormy wind sounds woke the pup who barked madly at 2am grrrrr). Fingers crossed 4 lots of sleepiness 2nite.

    Take care

    WB xx

  • Hi

    I'll be careful and I'll have my fingers crossed for you tomorrow, good luck.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi

    Yes I know it quite well. My daughter studied for her degree in Edinburgh, and we went over quite often. She stayed in a house with 5 other girls after the first year in halls. They are lovely girls and they still keep in touch, they go to each others' weddings. One girl was from St Andrews, she worked in the hotel there, as a chef.

    Yes, it's a beautiful area, and then there are the bridges, that rail bridge is fantastic. 

    Unfortunately they can't fix my bone marrow, I have asked but the hematologist said the operation would kill me. She also said I'd be too old for a transplant, anyway the best chance would be one of my own stem cells. There's always hope, I'm worried though.

    Take care Roobarb x

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


    I am so sorry your blood results weren’t better. Actually, it’s not so much the results per se as they are just numbers. It’s more that you’re feeling so unwell and so worried. It’s all very well to be told to stay inside, keep warm and keep away from people but it’s so lonely and isolating. Thank goodness we have each other in this community - but it’s still not the same as being out and about in the world. 

    I’ve not much more to add. Just a big hug, my friend 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear, sorry to hear your hemoglobin levels have dropped but it’s good to be alerted about the danger of being lightheaded. If it’s any comfort to you I am at 80 at the moment and have just had a bag of blood and am back to normal for me. I think it’s right to be cautious at this time of year if you are neutropenic but to reassure you a little bit I have been in your position in the past on a couple of occasions and have not experienced any infections so it’s not a given that you will either. All I do is stay out of crowded places and keep anyone away from the house who has a cold/flu or any other unidentifiable lurgy. As long as you don’t lock yourself out of the house my friend! All should be well.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Tvman, that doesn't sound like you. By which i mean you always manage to suond upbeat no matter what  you have going on.

    Which means you really are worried, and probably feel like  crap. If good wishes are any help, there's another package on its way. (I know I'm just adding a tiny speck to a massive heap, but I want to send them anyway.)

    You have so many friends here all urging you on. We can't flight the neutropenia, but maybe we can help you feel up to doing that bit. We need you back to yourself. 

    You take care. And for God's sake make sure you have your keys before you open that porch door.
